Chapter 45: The Prison Break

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Y/N's P.O.V

Right now we're talking about a plan to break out Kai and the other Airbender's.

As we do this Lin shows up and tells that Zaheer and two of his allies have escaped prison.

Zaheer is now an Airbender.

He got Airbending because of Harmonic Convergence like others have.

Nine years ago Zaheer and his allies tried to kidnap Korra, but they were stopped by myself, dad, Tonraq and Chief Sokka.

Korra: Wait, Y/N was there?

Y/N: I was.

Tenzin: He wasn't supposed to be. He snuck onto to the mission.

Y/N: Yeah. Well, ten year old me didn't like following orders either. And I was helpful.

Dad nods.

Tenzin: Yeah, you were.

Mako: So, why were they trying to kidnap Korra, anyway?

Lin: We spent nine years interrogating them, but they never broke. To this day no-one knows what their motive was.

Beifong steps forward.

Lin: We need to get you back to Republic City, where I can protect you.

Korra: No, I'm not running.

Lin: Korra, you don't understand. These criminals are like nothing you've ever faced before.

Korra: Look, I'm not a little kid anymore. You don't need to protect me. I came here for one thing, to find Airbender's and I'm not leaving without them.

Lin: Fine. Let's get 'em and get outta here. Where are they?

Y/N: In a military compound and we're busting them out.

It's time to plan a prison break.

(Three hours later)

It's now night and we're outside the compound the Airbender's are being held in.

After stealthy taking down the guards outside we make our way in.

We hide in a stairwell to avoid two guards walking past.

Tenzin: Bumi, Korra, Mako, you will come with me to find the Airbender's.

Y/N: While you guys are doing that, Jinora, Bolin and I will find Kai.

Tenzin: Yes. We'll meet on the surface shortly.

Y/N: Okay. Just be careful.

Tenzin: You too. Radio us if something goes wrong.

I nod.

After that Bolin, Jinora and I go to find Kai.

(Five minutes later)

We make it to the cells. Kai is in one of them.

Jinora stops at one of them.

Y/N: Is he in there?

Jinora: Yes. This is the one.

I open the cell and we see Kai sitting on a bench.

Y/N: Kai, you're okay. We're getting you out.

Jinora: Kai!

She runs in and hugs him, then kisses him on the cheek.

Bolin: Whoa. Your dad's not gonna be happy about this.

Y/N: Then don't tell him.

Kai comes over and hugs me.

Kai: I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry I snuck off. I won't do it again. Thanks for coming back for me.

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