Chapter 68: A Colossus Take Down

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Y/N's P.O.V

So, the building did nearly crush us, but Bolin managed to save us all.

He lifts up the wall and we all make it out.

A moment later dad comes back down from his rooftop position.

Tenzin: Kuvira's heading our way with a platoon or mecha-suit's.

Asami: What should we do?

Bolin: This is my hometown and I hate to say it, but there's no use risking all our lives fighting that giant thing. Let her take the city for now, we'll think of someway to come back and beat her.

Mako: What about all the people who haven't been evacuated yet? If Kuvira finds out Wu is with them, she might fire that cannon at him and take them all out.

Korra: I couldn't stop Kuvira from taking Zaofu. I'm not letting her take Republic City. The world isn't safe as long as she has those Spirit weapons.

???: I agree.

We all look over to see Lin.

Lin: We take down that giant today.

Korra: Lin!

Lin: Glad to see you all made it out. You had me worried.

Y/N: Aw, she does care.

Varrick: Well, you Bender's are gonna have to fight her alone. She just blew up our factory with all our Hummingbird suits.

Asami: Not all of them. There are the prototypes back at my office. If we can get those ready to fly, we'll at least be able to offer a little air support.

Korra: Su, you take Baatar Jr and the rest of the wounded back to Asami's office. Get those suits working as soon as you can. The rest of us will just have to face Kuvira on our own.

We all leave to face Kuvira's forces.

(Ten minutes later)

Thanks to Meelo we have a plan to do some damage to that Mecha-giant.

Korra and I are at the top of a tower infront of the Mecha-giant.

Korra: You ready for this?

Y/N: I'm always ready for a fight.

We see the Airbender's hitting the Mecha-suit with paint to blind Kuvira.

Meanwhile, the Earthbender's along with Iroh and Mako work on wrapping is legs up.

The other Airbender's gather up below us.

Bolin: Hit it now!!!

Korra and I start Airbending to build up power.

We then both hit the Mecha-giant with a huge blast of air.

The other Airbender's follow our lead and do the same.

Kuvira manages to fire the Spirit cannon and the blast wave knocks us back.

After that we get our footing back and move forward.

She and I spin to build up power with Airbending.

We fire a bigger blast of air at her.

We fire a bigger blast of air at her

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