Chapter 17: A Baby Airbender

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Y/N's P.O.V

Oogi lands back down on Air Temple Island and all of us jump down to the ground.

Chief Beifong, Jinora, Ikki and Meelo come over to us.

Dad kneels down and hugs the kids.

Tenzin: Thank goodness you're alright.

Meelo: We caught the bad guy's.

Tenzin: You let them fight. Do you realise what could've happened?

Lin: I would've been toast if it weren't for your kids. You should be proud. You taught them well.

Y/N: She's right. I would know.

He nods.

Lin: Go on. Be with your wife.

Dad rushes back into the temple.

Y/N: So what's going on?

Lin: Your mother went into labour just as the Equalist's showed up.

Korra: Pema's giving birth right now.

Y/N: I'll go.

Korra: Me too.

She and I go into the temple to check on everything.

When we get to the room we see dad, mum and the kids around my new baby brother.

I smile.

Dad looks up and sees us.

Tenzin: Y/N, come here. Come and meet your new little brother.

I smile and go over.

I look down at the baby.

Y/N: Hi, little guy.

Pema: Do you wanna hold him?

Y/N: Yeah, okay.

Dad passes me the baby boy.

Y/N: Hey there, Lil' Asskicker.

Everyone laughs.

Y/N: What? It's a good name, right?

I look to my parents.

Y/N: I'm joking. What's his name?

Tenzin: Rohan.

Y/N: That's great.

Just then Mako and Beifong come in.

Lin: I'm so sorry to interrupt, but more Airships are coming.

Ikki: Everything's not going to be fine, is it daddy?

Y/N: We better check it out.

Tenzin: Agreed.

I hand Rohan back to mum and go outside with the other's.

When we get out there we see two more Airships incoming.

Korra: What do you wanna do, Tenzin?

He sighs.

Tenzin: I need to protect my family and get them as far away from this conflict as possible. If Amon got his hands on my children... I hate to even think of it.

Lin: If you're leaving, then I'm going with you.

Tenzin: But...

Lin: No arguments. You and your family are the last Airbender's. There's no way in the world I'm letting Amon take your Bending away.

Tenzin: Thank you, Lin.

He looks to Korra and I.

Tenzin: Korra, Y/N, I want you to leave the island and hide for the time being.

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