Chapter 76: A Chat With Raiko

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Y/N's P.O.V

Right now Korra, Asami, Zhu-li and I are going to meet with President Raiko.

Hopefully we can get some support from him.

We walk into his office and see him with his Campaign Manager, Wenyan.

Zhu-li: We're here for our two o'clock appointment, sir.

Raiko looks at Korra and I.

Raiko: Avatar Korra, Air Master Y/N... so you're finally done gallivanting around in the Spirit World?

Korra: We need to talk.

Y/N: By the way, our vacation was nice. Thanks for asking, Raiko.

Raiko: Fine, fine, but make it quick. I'm extremely busy.

I look at his desk and see his new campaign poster for his re-election.

Y/N: Busy figuring out how to "wallop tyranny," are you?

He sighs.

Raiko rips it out of my hands.

Raiko: That's... it's not final yet. Now what can I do for you?

Asami: Korra, Y/N and I were just at the evacuee camp. The people living there need some real housing and they need it soon.

Korra: Asami has started drawing up some plans, but we're going to need some funding.

Raiko: Get in line. I've already diverted funds for additional police officer's, on top of having to relocate the government. Not to mention all of the infrastructure that needs repair.
I'm sorry, but the city coffers are empty.

Zhu-li: Sir, Republic City needs this. The longer people are displaced, the more unrest there's going to be.

Asami: I'm happy to put up some of Future Industries' money for the project.

Zhu-li: And Varrick Industries will match it.

Wenyan: A word, sir?

Raiko and Wenyan go to one side to talk in private.

A moment later they come back over.

Raiko: On second thought... Asami why don't you finish drawing up the plans? Bring them by in a few days and I'll take a look. I'm sure we can find the money somewhere.

Asami: Thank you, Mr. President.

Before we leave I look to Raiko.

Y/N: Oh and one more thing, it's about the new Spirit Portal.

Raiko: What about it?

Korra and I step forward.

Y/N: We ran into the owner of the land around it...

Asami: Wonyong Keum.

Y/N: Yeah, him. He's trying to turn the whole place into some kind of amusement park... 

Korra: But I'd the city bought the land from him, so could turn it into a beautiful Spirit Sanctuary with public parks around it.

Raiko: Maybe you didn't hear me. The city's broke. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do.

I sigh.

Y/N: Come on, Korra. Let's go.

We go to leave with Asami and Zhu-li.

Korra: I bet if the Spirit's could vote, you'd change your tune!

We leave the office.

Asami: Don't worry, Korra. We'll figure out another way to protect the portal.

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