Chapter 29: Saving Tonraq

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Y/N's P.O.V

After leaving the prison Korra, Mako, Asami and I make it to Varrick's ship.

We go up to join Bolin and Varrick.

Bolin sees us and turns.

Bolin: Where's your dad?

Korra: On a ship headed north. Think we can catch up to it?

Varrick: Sure. Once you get us past our friends from the North.

We look to see multiple Northern Water Tribe ships ahead of us.

Korra: If only we had a plane to get us close to those ships I could Waterbend them out of the way.

Varrick: A plane? Why didn't you say so?

Varrick hits a button and we see a plane come up onto the deck.

Y/N: Varrick, why do you have a plane on your ship?

Varrick: In case the ship sinks, of course.

Asami: But there's no runway.

Y/N: She's right. How are we supposed to take-off without a runway?

Varrick: Zhu-li, take a note. Build runway.

Zhu-li: Yes, sir.

Korra: I have an idea. Y/N, Mako, Asami, come with me.

Y/N: Okay.

Asami, Mako and I go with Korra.

Korra and Mako get on one side each as Asami gets into the pilot's seat.

I hold onto the side of the plane.

Asami slowly builds up speed.

Korra: Now!

She and Mako both Firebend in order to give the plane a boost, so it can take-off.

It doesn't work at first, but then the plane flies up into the air.

When we get close enough to the ships, Korra Waterbends the ships and knocks them out of the way.

This allows Varrick to get his ship past.

A moment later we spot another ship off in the distance.

Korra: There! My dad's on that ship!

Asami turns and heads towards the ship.

Once we get near the ship the three of us jump into the water and the plane crashes into it.

Korra then Waterbends us up into the air and we land on the ship.

I shoot a blast of air at two guards sending them flying into the water.

Korra deals with the rest of the guards using her Waterbending.

After that we go to find Tonraq and the other rebels.

(Five minutes later)

We've now freed Tonraq and the other's and are making our way out.

Tonraq: Korra, this is crazy. You promised me you wouldn't do anything rash.

Korra: I had to, dad. I'll explain later.

As we're making our way out I hear a familiar voice, one I haven't heard in years.

???: Ah, the Airbending Prodigy.

I turn to see a man standing there.

He has an Airbending Master tattoo.

My eyes widen.

The Power of Air. Legend of Korra Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now