Chapter 67: The Baatar Jr Kidnapping

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Y/N's P.O.V

Lucky lands down on the front lines.

Korra and I get off and see that Kuvira isn't here yet.

We go over to Iroh.

Y/N: Iroh, we're here.

He turns to see us.

Iroh: Y/N, Korra, it's good to see you both. Thank you for joining us here.

Korra: Of course.

Y/N: Anytime, man.

Iroh: Kuvira will be here any minute.

We head up to the front.

Y/N: Kuvira's not here yet?

Iroh: No, but she will be soon.

The three of us standing with the rest of the United Forces and wait for Kuvira.

A moment later we see her Mecha-suit come around the corner along with her airships.

Her forces stop right infront of us.

Iroh: Wow. That thing is huge.

Y/N: Yep.

Iroh, Korra and I go into the tent and turn on the radio.

We overhear Raiko and Kuvira talking.

Just then we hear a blast outside.

Kuvira fired the Spirit weapon.

We go back outside to see smoke coming from the city.

Iroh brings out his hand-held radio.

Iroh: Mr. President, do I have your order to engage?

We hear Kuvira's voice.

Kuvira: You have three seconds or I wipe out your army.

Raiko: Stop. We surrender. Republic City is yours.

Kuvira: Good. Turn your army, Air Master Y/N and the Avatar to me and give Baatar your location. He'll present you with our terms.

Iroh smashes the radio.

Korra: We're not surrendering.

Y/N: Damn right.

Iroh: You two get back to the city before she sees you. I'll join you guys when I can.

Korra goes over to Lucky.

Y/N: Lucky, yip, yip.

He flies up and we head back to the city.

(Twenty minutes later)

Korra and I make it to Asami's workshop.

We walk inside to find the others there.

Korra: Raiko surrendered. It's down to us now.

Bolin: How are we supposed to fight an entire army and a mecha-giant and two of those crazy weapons?

Asami: We can't fight it, but maybe we can cripple it. Zhu-li, when you were spying on Kuvira, did you learn anything about that metal monster?

Zhu-li: I had no idea they were even building it.

Varrick: Guess Baatar Jr is a better inventor than I thought. Don't tell him I said that.

That gives me an idea.

Y/N: Wait, that's it. Baatar Jr built it, he'll know how to take it down. I say we capture him and get him to talk.

Korra: I agree. Let's do it.

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