Chapter 81: The New Tokuga

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Y/N's P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm in old room.

I groan.

???: Y/N. Are you okay?

I look up and see Asami looking down at me.

Y/N: Asami?

Asami: Yeah, it's me.

I sit up and realise my head was on her lap.

Y/N: What happened? Where are we?

Asami: Well, we're in an old boiler room.

Y/N: Oh, great. Last thing I remember is us getting attack. Who attacked us?

Asami: I'm not sure. They were wearing all black with masks.

Y/N: I'm assuming you've tried to break us out.

Asami: I did, but it didn't take.

Y/N: Of course.

Just then I realise I have no feeling in my arms or legs.

Y/N: Ah, crap.

Asami: What?

Y/N: Whoever took us must have a chi-blocker, cause I can't feel my arms.

Asami: That means you using your bending to get us out is out of the question.

Y/N: For now it is. Let's just come up with a plan to get out of here.

We then hear the door open.

???: Oh, you're not going anywhere, Air Master.

She and I look up to see an old enemy show up.

Y/N: Shit. Tokuga? Is that you?

Tokuga: It is. You like my makeover?

Asami: How'd that happen to you?

Tokuga: It happened when the Avatar chose to save her love over stop a spirit attacking me!

He kneels down and gets in my face.

Tokuga: And now... I'm gonna make her pay for it.

(The next day)

Third person perspective

Right now the rest of Team Avatar along with Lin is on a rooftop looking at a building on fire.

Yesterday they learnt that Tokuga took Y/N and Asami.

He still has them and they're friends are looking for them.

Korra: What are we waiting for, Beifong? You have the Triple Threats surrounded. Let's go after Tokuga now.

Bolin takes a closer look through binoculars.

Lin: We can't. The Triple Threats aren't letting anyone leave their homes. Tokuga is threating to turn this neighbourhood to rubble if we try to move in.

Mako: And considering he tried to kill us, I doubt he's bluffing.

Korra: So, I'm just supposed to sit here and do nothing? Y/N's in danger and he needs me!

Beifong looks to the Avatar.

Lin: Listen, kid...

She puts her hand on Korra's shoulder.

Lin: I'm sorry about Y/N. Tenzin told me about your engagement. Anyway, we'll get him and Asami out of harm's way. I promise.

Korra looks at her.

Korra: Thanks. Ever since Y/N and I met, we've been in many tough spots... but this time feels different.

Y/N's P.O.V

Asami and I are back in the boiler room but now I'm strapped up, so I can't use my bending.

But we're down here with another kidnapped victim.

He also took Wonyong Kuem too.

Wonyong: It's hot as blazes down here. The least though triad thugs could do is bring us some water.

I sigh.

He's been talking alot too.

Y/N: Yeah. And maybe afterwards they could stick a gag in your mouth, so you'd shut up.

Asami giggles before glaring at him.

Wonyong: You haven't said two words to me since Tokuga threw me in here with you two. Are you doing alright?

Asami: Don't pretend like you care. Your greed got Y/N and I into this situation.

The two start to argue.

A moment later we see Tokuga come in.

Tokuga: I've taken everything from him. He's got nothing left to offer up.

Y/N: If you have everything you want, then let us go.

Tokuga: Not yet. The Avatar hasn't suffered enough for what she did to me.

Y/N: Korra didn't send that Dragon-Eel spirit after you. She was trying to stop it!

Tokuga: How noble of you to protect your soon-to-be wife.

My eyes widen.

Y/N: How'd you...?

Tokuga: I have eyes all over the city. They saw you on that little date. Planning your future, having children. But that's not why I came in here.

He looks to Asami.

Tokuga: I hear you're handy with machinery.

He shows her blueprints to a machine.

Tokuga: I need you to make me one of these.

Asami: These are my father's drawings... where'd you get these blueprints?

He points to Wonyong.

Tokuga: I found them in one of his safes.

It turns out the machine is a gas dispersion pump.

And he wants to put them on his airship.

Asami: No! I'm not about to help you hold Republic City hostage!

He glares at her.

Tokuga: You either help me...

Just then he wraps his tentacle around my neck.

Tokuga: Or he dies!

He squeezes tighter.

Tokuga: Decide now!

Asami: Okay, okay! I'll do it.

Y/N: Asami, don't... don't give him a damn thing.

Asami: I can't let you die, Y/N. I'll do it. Just let him go.

Tokuga let's me go.

I cough.

Tokuga: Smart girl. I knew you'd see reason.

After that he leaves to bring Asami what she needs for the machine.

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