Chapter 35: Back To Republic City

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Y/N's P.O.V

After getting our bearing, Korra tells us what happened.

She came across Unalaq as he was in Spirit World too and he forced her to open the Northern spirit portal.

He has Jinora in there with him.

And if he's done anything to her, he's as good as dead.

Y/N: Dad, we have to get her back.

Tenzin: We will. Let's head back to the temple.

Y/N: After that we gotta go to Republic City. We need the help.

Tenzin: You're right. We'll go to Republic City soon. Let's get back.

We all leave and head back to the temple.

(Several hours later)

(Republic City)

We all make it back to Republic City.

I fly in on Lucky along with Korra.

Oogi lands down first.

When we land down I see Bolin and Asami.

Y/N: Hey, guys. Guess who's back?

I jump down.

Asami: Y/N, you're back.

Y/N: Yep. Man, it's so good to you guys. I missed you guys.

I go over and hug them both.

Asami: We missed you too. It's great to see you.

Bolin: Yeah. It's good to have you back.

I pull away.

Bolin: So, what's been happening?

Y/N: Well.... I got into a fight with an evil Airbender named Tahn, who is also my brother. After our fight I mediated and learned that I was created by Avatar Aang using Spirit Energy and the Spirit of Ravva. He also helped me unlock some new abilities when I met with him in the Spirit World. So, the usual stuff.

Bolin: Wait, what?

Asami: Wow. So alot happened, huh?

Y/N: Yep.

We go over to talk with President Raiko.

Korra: Unalaq doesn't just want to take over the South anymore. He wants to destroy the whole world.

Bolin: Unalaq is gonna destroy the world? He really does have a Doomsday device?

Y/N: A what? What happened while I was gone?

Asami: It's a long story.

Korra: He's trying to release a powerful Dark Spirit during Harmonic Convergence, which is only a few days away. If he succeed, the world as we know it is over. Sir, we really need your help.

Raiko: I'm sorry, Korra, but my answer is still no.

Tenzin: There are lives on the line! And my daughter is one of them. Raiko, you must reconsider.

Raiko: I'm aware lives are on the line and that's precisely why my troops are staying here.

He keeps going, but in short the answer is no.

Bolin: Never should've saved that guy.

Asami: If you guys need help, I'm here for you.

Bolin: Yeah, me too.

Korra: Thank you. It's so good to see you guys again.

Y/N: Wait, where's Mako?

(Twenty minutes later)

So Mako was in jail as Varrick set him and got him thrown in there.

All of us including Beifong go to visit him at his cell.

He got thrown in there for trying to kidnap the President.

Bolin: Where's all the stuff you stole from Asami, Varrick?

Varrick: The Future Industries stuff? It's on my battleship.

Korra: You have a battleship.

Varrick: Of course I do! I bought the first one they made, named her thr Zhu-li.

Y/N: You named your battleship after your assistant?

Varrick: Yep. They're both cold, heartless war machines.

Zhu-li: Your teas, sir.

Varrick: Look, I am truly sorry for the mess I caused. Let me make it up to you. Take Zhu-li. My battleship, it's yours and everything on it.

Korra: It's not the fleet we were looking for, but it's the next best thing.

Y/N: Given the fight we're about to head into, we should take anything we can get.

Bolin: Alright! Team Avatar is back in business!

Bolin pulls all of us into a bear hug.

He then looks at me.

Bolin: And you can show us those new abilities that Avatar Aang helped you with.

Mako: Huh? What new abilities?

Y/N: It's a long story. I'll explain later. For now, let's get to that battleship.

Korra: Y/N's right. Let's go.

We leave to get the other's.

(Two hours later)

Korra and I are now in our room on the ship.

I'm sat on the bed and after thinking about everything I've learned about myself, I have one question.

Why is Korra even with me?

Just then I hear Korra come out of the bathroom.

Korra: Hey.

Y/N: Hi.

She comes over to me.

Korra: What's going on, Y/N? Please talk to me.

I look up at her and sigh.

Y/N: Why are with me, Korra?

She tilts her head.

Korra: What kind of question is that?

Y/N: Well, after everything you now know about me, you're still with me. Why? I mean I'm not even human.

She kneels down infront of me.

Korra: What are you talking about, Y/N? You are human. Yeah, you weren't created like a normal person, but you are human. You're more human than anyone I've ever met.

Y/N: Ever since I learned the truth I was worried that when I told you... you wouldn't love me anymore.

I look away.

Korra: Hey, hey. Look at me.

She puts her hands my face and makes me look at her.

Korra: You are the love of my life, Y/N. I'll always love you and nothing will ever change that.

I smile.

Y/N: I don't deserve you. But I love you so much.

She smiles.

Korra: Come here, handsome.

We lean in and kiss.

I pull her onto my lap and we lay on the bed and kiss for a bit longer.

After that she cuddles up to me and rests her head on my shoulder.

Korra: I hope my dad is okay?

Y/N: I'm sure he is. If he's anything like his daughter, then he's fine.

Korra and I just lay there and rest.

We're gonna need all the rest we can get.

When we get to the South, odds are we'll be going into a war zone.

Right now I'm just happy I have an amazing girl who loves me no matter what.

The Power of Air. Legend of Korra Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now