Chapter 57: Korra's Struggles

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Y/N's P.O.V

So, Korra is gonna be coming in soon and I'm really nervous.

I mean I haven't seen her in two and half years.

I walk into the dining hall on Air Temple Island.

The other's are already here.

I go over to Asami.

Asami: Hey. You decided to come.

Y/N: Hey.

I stand next to her.

Y/N: Yes, I came. Partly, cause I know you'd never let me here the end of it if I didn't.

She giggles.

Asami: True, but thank you for coming. I know it isn't easy for you.

I sigh.

Y/N: Yeah, it's not. I thought after almost two years, I'd be okay.

Asami: I get it. You don't have to explain.

I smile.

Y/N: Thanks.

An Air Acolyte comes into the room.

Acolyte: There's a Southern Water Tribe ship pulling up to the dock.

Meelo & Ikki: Korra!

The two rush out of the room.

As everyone else leaves, Asami stops and looks at me.

Asami: You coming?

I sigh.

Y/N: Yeah, just give me a minute. I'll catch up.

Asami: Okay. Sure.

She leaves the room.

Seeing Korra again makes me think back to when I first visited after her fight with Zaheer.

(Two and a half years ago)

(South Pole)

Third person perspective

Six months after the battle with Zaheer, Avatar Korra has made much progress in her recovery.

Right now she and Katara wait for Y/N and Tenzin to show up.

Just then Oogi flies down.

Tenzin jumps down and is immediately hugged by Korra.

Korra: It's so good to see you.

Tenzin: How have you been, Korra? You look great.

Korra: I feel great. Wait, where's Y/N?

Tenzin: Well, he should be here any...

Just then Y/N glides in and lands down.

Lucky lands down a moment later.

Katara: Let's give them a moment, Tenzin.

He nods.

The mother and son then leave.

Y/N steps forward.

Y/N: Hey, sorry I'm late.

Korra: Y/N!

Y/N: Korra!

She runs over and jumps into his arms.

Y/N spins her around as he hugs her. He gently sets her down and the two kiss.

They pull away, but hold each other close.

Korra: I missed you so much.

Y/N: I missed you too.

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