Chapter 24: Trip To The South Pole

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Y/N's P.O.V

So today Mako, Bolin and I are going with Korra and Unalaq to the South Pole.

That's where Unalaq wants to start Korra's spiritual training.

He even offered to train me too once he's trained Korra. Apparently he can sense the spiritual energy coming off me.

Right now we're packing up and are about to leave. Korra and I are putting gear on Naga's back.

Korra: Didn't you say Bolin was coming too?

I look at her.

Y/N: Well, that's what Mako told me. It doesn't matter, I can't worry about that. I have to make sure you have everything you need for a safe trip.

She smiles.

Korra: Thanks, Captain Expedition. I'll be fine.

Y/N: I know, but I'll feel alot better knowing that you'll be safe.

Korra: You're cute when you're worried.

I smile.

Y/N: Stop it.

Just then we turn to see Tonraq pull up on a snow speeder.

Unalaq goes over to him.

Unalaq: Tonraq, what do you want?

Tonraq: I heard you're taking Korra to the South Pole. I'm coming too.

Unalaq: Absolutely not. You're a distraction to Korra and a hindrance to what needs to be done.

Tonraq: My daughter isn't going without me. She needs someone to look out for her.

Korra and I ride up to them on Naga.

Korra: No, I don't. Dad, why do you always think you know what's best for me?

Unalaq: Because he's misguided. The sad truth is it's men like your father who have put the Spirit World out of balance. He's ignored my warnings in the past and hasn't learned since.

Korra: What happened in the past?

Tonraq: It doesn't matter. What matters is the Everstorm.

Y/N: What's an Everstorm? I've never heard of it.

Tonraq: It's a massive blizzard that's battered the South Pole for decades.

He looks at Unalaq.

Tonraq: I'm coming, unless you think you can stop me.

The two have a stare down until Bolin shows up on a snow speeder with a sidecar.

Bolin: Check it out. I'm travelling in style.

Mako: Where'd you get the ride?

Bolin: Varrick. He's awesome. He also gave me this fancy snowsuit. It's inflatable with an internal heater, emergency beacon and a food ration pouch. I mean if I get lost I can survive in this for at least a month.

After all that we leave and head for the South Pole.

(Five hours later)

It's starting to get dark and we haven't made it to the South Pole yet.

I'm still on Naga's back with Korra and we have Wolf walking alongside us.

We stop next to Unalaq.

Korra: So once we get to the South Pole, then what happens?

Unalaq: You will open an ancient Spirit Portal.

Korra: I'm sorry, what now?

Unalaq: At the South Pole there's a portal that connects our world to the Spirit World. But it has long been closed.

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