Chapter 34: Avatar Aang

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Y/N's P.O.V

Korra, Jinora and I sit down together and cross our legs.

Y/N: Okay. Are you two ready?

Korra: I'm ready.

Jinora: Me too.

Y/N: Then let's do it.

We all close our eyes and focus on the spiritual energy around us.

A moment later I open my eyes and see I'm in a grassy plain with Korra and Jinora.

We stand up and look around.

Jinora: Isn't it beautiful?

Korra: Yeah... it is.

Y/N: It is. Just stick close to me, okay? This seems nice and all but you never know if we'll run into some Dark Spirits. Plus, dad will kill me if you get lost in here.

I can feel so much spiritual energy here.

It's almost over whelming.

Korra touches a flower and it turns into a spirit butterfly.

Jinora: Whoa. It's like it's made of jewels. The Spirits are so much more beautiful here, then I our world.

Jinora runs after it.

Y/N: Jinora, be careful.

Korra: Yeah, just hold on.

Korra and I go after her.

Just then I hear a voice and stop.

???: Y/N. Y/N, I'm here. Come and find me.

I look to the right and it's coming from inside the forest.

And something tells me I have to go to whoever it is calling to me.

Korra: Y/N, what is it?

Y/N: Someone or something is calling out to me. And I have to go to them.

Korra: But what about the Spirit Portal?

Y/N: Look, you go get Jinora and close the Spirit Portal. I... I just have to do this. Please, Korra.

She nods.

Korra: Okay. I understand. Just be careful.

Y/N: I will. You be careful too.

After that I run off into the forest and follow the voice.

???: Y/N, find me and learn the truth. Come to me.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm trying to. Where are you?

The voice does sound familiar to me, I don't know why though.

I need to find them.

(Ten minutes later)

After about ten minutes I make it out of the forest.

I've still been hearing the voice telling me to find them.

Just then I see a yellow Dragon-Bird Spirit fly down to me.

Dragon: (Growls.)

I can understand exactly what the dragon said.

Y/N: You can take me where I need to go?

Dragon: (Growls.)

Y/N: Wait, how can I understand what you're saying?

Dragon: (Growls.)

Y/N: Uh, okay.

I walk over to the dragon and place my hands on it's head.

I then rest my forehead against him.

The Power of Air. Legend of Korra Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now