Chapter 84: President Zhu-li

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(Three weeks later)

Y/N's P.O.V

It's been three weeks since we defeated Tokuga and his crew.

Tokuga hasn't been seen since and things have been alot quieter.

Right now we're at the election night for Republic City and introducing the new President of Republic City.

I'm currently with Mako as Bolin comes over to us.

Mako: Hey. How's it going, partner?

Bolin: Oh, Beifong didn't tell you?

Mako: Tell me what?

Y/N: Tell him what?

Bolin: Mako, don't take this too hard  but now that the triad situation is under control... I've decided to move on. I'm quitting the force.

Y/N: Really? Bolin, I thought you loved being a cop.

Mako: Yeah, I thought the same.

Bolin: Yes  it was thrilling while it lasted l  but I can't be tied down. This little bird needs to fly.

Mako and I look to each other before looking back to him.

Mako: Okay, whatever.

Bolin: Brave, brave, Mako. Please don't make this any harder than it needs to be. What we had was a special partnership, but I'm afraid it's time we go our separate ways.

Y/N: Bolin, we're all apart of team Avatar. We'll see each other all the time.

Mako: And I'll see you at home in like two hours.

Bolin: I'll give you some time to process all this.

Mako sighs as Bolin walks away.

Third person perspective

While Y/N is with Mako, Korra is speaking with her father.

Tonraq: So, where's Y/N? How are you two doing? How's the wedding planning going?

Korra: Fine. We'll be getting married in two days, but I thought you didn't approve. I mean you did say we're too young for marriage.

Tonraq: About that... what I said when you and Y/N came to visit...

Korra: It's alright, dad. I know you don't approve, but Y/N and I are getting married. You don't have to be okay with it, but you're going to have to accept it.

Tonraq: Korra, please. I'm sorry for what I said. It was wrong. I just want you to know that I'm one hundred percent supportive of your marriage.

Korra: Really?

Tonraq: Yes. I just want you to be happy and I know Y/N makes you happy.

She smiles.

Korra: Thank you, dad.

Tonraq: And if you still want me to, I'd be honoured to give you away.

Korra: I'd love that, dad. That's all I want.

The father and daughter hug.

Y/N's P.O.V

I go over to Korra and see her with her dad.

Y/N: Hey, you two.

They look at me.

Korra: Hi, baby.

Korra comes over and I put my arm around her.

Tonraq: Hi, Y/N. I'd like to apologise to you as well. I'm sorry I wasn't supportive, but I want you to know I'm going to supportive you both. No matter what.

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