Imagine #1 McCall: First 'I love you'

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You were both in the middle of an argument because you wanted to help the pack fight the alpha pack, but being only a human, Scott was more than against the idea. "Why though?! Scott you haven't given a single reason yet as to why I can't help you guys fight!" You said, finally getting sick of not being given a reason. "(Y/N), you're only human" Scott said, nearly in a whisper as he looked at you, the one thing he could count on, the one person he can open up to and not face judgement, the one person who gave him hope recently. "So what, you don't think I can protect myself? Or do you just think I'm not good enough to fight with you guys?!" You asked him, your voice slowly rising along with the anger rising inside of you. When he didn't reply you stormed out of the living room towards the front door, just as your fingers trailed over the cold metal and the cool (faux) leather of your jacket brushed against you arms as you pulled it on Scott called out to you as he emerged from the living room "(Y/N) Wait!" you could hear that he was holding back tears and your chest tightened at the thought of it. "Why should I? Why should I stay? You obviously don't think I'm good enough for your pack, and you probably think I'm not good enough for you either. I don't want to be with someone who doesn't appreciate me, or doesn't support my ideas and what I want to do. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't walk out of this door right now!" you said, tears evident in your voice, gasping for breath as a sob racked your body and your chest tightened at the feeling. You loved Scott, you really did, but if he didn't think you were good enough for anything, you couldn't stay. You were facing the door until Scott walked over to you and held onto your wrist, turning you around; you looked at the floor, not daring to look into his brown puppy dog eyes that you can never resist. You felt a warm hand slip under your chin and Scott lifted your face so you were looking into his eyes before he told you the three words he had been dying to say from the moment he met you in the little café four years ago. "I want you to stay, because I- I love you" He said, it felt like a weight had been taken off his shoulders, finally he was able to say it, and when you whispered "I love you too" he knew that he would be able to say it to you for the rest of his life.

A/N: Heyyyyy guys! So this is my first ever preference, well actually I've never written anything before, so I really hope that you guys like it. Also I apologise if this is in anyway similar to any other imagine or preference.

Anyway, how are you all today? Also, before any of this goes any further, I want you all to know that if you ever just need someone to talk to, I'm always gonna be here. I don't really go out much, I spend most of my time on my phone, so I'll be able to talk to your hearts content. Thank you for reading this, I hope you have the most amazing day, or night, wherever you live!:)

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