Never forget you (Allison)

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Every night since Allison died, I've had nightmares, now not different ones, no. I wish they were different. The nightmares I have are of the very night that Allison died.

She was busy firing her arrows, she didn't notice the Oni that was creeping up on her.

I tried shouting to her, I tried screaming at her, but it was too late. She'd already been struck.

Scott was there beside her in a flash. I couldn't move, I was frozen with shock and fear. My first love, the love of my life, had just been stabbed.

I felt arms wrap around me, I didn't know who, but I fell into their body, tears streaming endlessly down my cheeks as I watched Scott and Allison.

Her head turned to face me as the life left her body, I could tell she wasn't dead yet, there was still light in her eyes as she whispered "It's your fault"

If it hadn't been as still and as quiet as a cemetery, I wouldn't have heard what she whispered to me.

The words kept floating round in my head as the light finally left her eyes and she lay there, beautiful as ever, even in death.

I jolt awake as I feel the sweat on my forehead, taking a deep breath I look over to the other side of the bed, to see it still empty, like it has been for weeks.

Looking at the clock I see it's 5am, deciding I won't be going back to sleep for a while I get out of bed and go downstairs.

Sitting at the kitchen table, I let my thoughts take over me as I wait for the kettle to boil. Sadly my thoughts take me straight to Allison. The night she died, this time not twisted into a nightmare.

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