Lucky jumper, lucky number (EmilyxLiam)

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ADKAPAOSLOWUD19£6-{Hisdj this isn't too great, but I hope it's acceptable...

"C'mon! Let's keep it moving!" Coach yelled as the whole lacrosse team had to run three laps of the field because he's feeling particularly mean today.

I watched from the bleachers, where I was sat under the warm sun, watching and laughing as my big brother Stiles nearly fall over when he finally finished running round. He looked up at me and waved, before going back to catching his breath, "Hey Emily!" I heard Scott and Isaac yell over to me before getting called out by coach. "Hey guys" I yelled back, a smirk on my face as I watched them get hit upside the head by coach.

I sighed before going back to the maths problems that lay in front of me, just waiting for me to even attempt them.

"Okay. x equals 36. Thirty times x divided by y. Find out what y is when the answer is 10.8" I whispered as I tried to wrap my head around it. "It's 10" a voice said, I whirled around to find Lydia sat next to me, glancing at my maths questions. "Uh thanks" I said, she smiled and then went back to watching practice.

*time skip because Idk.-.*

"Hey Emily! Hey Stiles" Liam said, as he waltzed in through the door, with Scott right behind him. "Sorry Stiles, I couldn't stop him" Scott explained when he saw my brothers expression, which in my opinion was picture worthy.

"What are you doing here, Dunbar?" I said as he hovered over me while I was still trying to wrap my head around the last remaining maths questions. "I came here to see my favourite person!" He smiled as he sat next to me and that was when I noticed he was still in his lacrosse gear. I laughed slightly before concentrating on the questions again, after a minute though I gave up because I didn't understand it and it was too cold. I stood up and shut the window, and sat back down, still shivering.

"Are you cold?" He asked me, "No" I said sarcastically, "Here" he said as he took off his jumper and then passed it to me. "Won't you be cold?" I asked him, he shook his head "No. I'll be fine" he smiled at me. I smiled to, while taking the jumper from his hand, muttering a thanks as I slipped it over my head, instantly feeling the warmth it still held on my skin.

"You know, nine is my lucky number. Maybe it will help me to understand these questions" I joked, "Well this is my lucky jumper so maybe it will help me to get a kiss off my beautiful girlfriend" he smiled, and I smiled as well before leaning in to him and pecking his lips lightly before turning back to the maths paper in front of me. "Such a tease" Liam joked, "Who? Me?" I asked, acting innocent as I looked over at him.

"Yep" he smiled, popping the 'p', "Mmmhmm" I hummed as I started the next question and actually understood it. I smiled to myself, and then carried onto the next one, and about a minute later I had finished the last four questions easily. "huh" I said to myself as I leaned back in my chair, "Emily?" Liam asked as he looked up at me. "I guess this jumper really is lucky" I smiled and he smiled too before leaning in and kissing me again.

Okay um. Idek. Is it acceptable? Is it good? Is it even alright? Idek. emilymyrick02 this is your personal:-) do you like it?? If not, I'll rewrite it for ya:-) xx

Love all you little penguins, stay safe. You know where I am if you need to chat about anything ever, and stay safe!!! xxxxx

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