Amnesia/where I met you

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"(Y/N)? Scott! I think she's waking up! (Y/N)?" I opened my eyes and immediately shut them again, "Ow" I muttered at the bright scorching light currently burning my retinas. "Turn down the lights!" I opened my eyes again, this time being able to see properly.

"(Y/N)?" I looked up to see who the voice belonged to, "Mama McCall?" I asked, "Yes honey, you had a very bad fall, Scott and Stiles are anxious to come in, I just need your okay now that you're awake" slowly I nodded, trying to remember someone called 'Stiles'.

"(Y/N)!" I looked at the door and saw Scott and another boy who must be 'Stiles' stood there. "Scott!" I cheered happily, he opened his arms as he walked over to me, I smiled as he wrapped me up in a gentle hug "Who's Stiles?" I whispered in his ear as he pulled back. He looked at me funny before he turned to this 'Stiles' kid, "Uh Stiles, could you go get my mom please?" he asked, Stiles nodded before walking out the door.

"What do you mean you don't know who Stiles is?" Scott asked me, "I mean, I- I- don't remember anyone called Stiles, he doesn't look familiar," I said, Mama McCall walked in then "(Y/N), what's wrong sweetie?" I only then noticed the wet feeling of tears rolling down my cheeks.

"She doesn't remember Stiles," Scott said as he held onto my hand, "Okay, well after a fall like the one you had, it's not surprising that you'd have amnesia, now it may be temporary, although it may not be. Tell me, sweetie, do you remember Allison?" Mama McCall asked me, I shook my head, "Lydia? Malia? Kira?" She asked again, "I remember Lydia" I whispered, "Okay, how about Liam? No? Theo?" I shook my head.

"Can you tell me who you do remember?" Mama McCall asked I nodded before slowly saying "You, Scott, Lydia, Mason, Brett, Tracey, Mrs. Martin, Mr. McCall, an- and that's all I can remember, the other parts it- it's like someone just came and rubbed them out with an eraser" I whispered, Mama McCall nodded, "Okay honey, it's alright, we're gonna let you go home okay, but if you can't remember your parents, it might be better if you stayed with us for a while, you can stay as long as you need to" she explained as he held onto my free hand, I smiled up at her.


"Hey, y'know I read somewhere that apparently taking amnesia patients to places they met the people they've forgotten can help them to remember," Lydia said as we were both sat on the couch at her house with Scott in the kitchen making a drink.

"That's- cool," I said slowly, "I mean, I'd love to remember all of you" I shrugged as I had a sip of my hot chocolate, "Buuut" Lydia said, leaning towards me, I sighed quietly as I set my mug down on the coffee table, "But" I started, "If I remember, there are things I wish I didn't... Aren't there?" I asked as I looked over at her, "I mean, what happened to Allison? Why haven't I seen her" I carried on until I saw tears in Lydia's eyes.

"I'm sorry I- I didn't mean to make you cry" I apologised quickly, she shook her head as she looked back up at me and smiled, "No, no you're okay" she whispered "Uhhm, (Y/N), there are things everyone remembers that they wish they couldn't, but it's those things that make you who you are, you accept those things as a part of yourself" Lydia said as she slowly took a hold of my hands, I nodded, smiling at her.

"Alright then, drink up, we're gonna get the whole pack together and we're gonna go around Beacon Hills until you remember all of us" Lydia ordered as she stood up and grabbed her car keys, I grabbed my mug and drank my chocolate as Lyds spoke to Scott.


"Okay (Y/N), this park means a lot to me, it was the place where I first spoke to you" 'Stiles' explained briefly as we walked in through the gate, the others had quickly said they'd wait by the cars as we pulled up.

"Why's it so important to you? Did we go out or something? God, if I let you go, I'll never forgive myself, I mean look at you!" I said more to myself, "Aha you- you don't even know" I barely heard Stiles whisper.

"Okay, you know what? Screw this! Screw it! This is the fifth place we've come at Lydia's request to try and get you to remember, screw it. I'm taking this into my own hands!" Stiles exclaimed, walking around, more like pacing as he threw his arms around.

At the end of his little 'tantrum', he started to walk towards me, oh gosh golly...

Hello!!! I annoyed most of you probably, I'm sorry.. Part 2? I've been toying with this idea for ages, so I hope you like it!!

Love y'all my lil penguins and I'll see ya later *salutes* xxxxx

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