Distraction (Theo/Brett)

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Walking in through the front school doors with Stiles and Scott, I immediately saw Brett standing at my locker waiting for me. With a quick wave to the guys I made my way over to my locker, as well as Brett.

"Morning" I smiled brightly as I put in my locker combination and pulled out my history textbook, swapping it for the books I had in my arms already.

"Good morning (Y/N), I hope you didn't get into too much trouble last night?" Brett asked me worriedly as he looked down at me, "I don't want to be getting you into trouble, you can tell your dad it was my fault" he carried on before I got a chance to speak.

"Oh don't worry, I told him that last night" I winked at him, "You're gonna want to behave for a little bit, or my dad will find anyway to get you into trouble" I giggled as we started to walk to our first class, which we have together.

*time skip to luuuuunch because that is my favourite part of the day*

I was walking up to the pack as they sat on a picnic bench outside, in the shade of the big tree, when something caught my eye.

Theo and Lara. They looked pretty close, which obviously doesn't bother me cause we broke up. I watched as they laughed together and Theo wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into him.

I saw the huge smile on her face, which mirrored mine when he used to do that to me. As I kept watching them, I subconsciously felt a small smile grow on my face.

When Lara opened her eyes and saw me, she smiled and waved, causing Theo's eyes to drift over to me. I smiled and waved slightly at them both and Theo's eyes softened slightly as he looked back down at Lara.

With a quick sigh I kept walking to my original destination. "Hey" Brett said once I had sat down next to him. "Hey" I whispered as I took a slice of his pizza.

"Ansley!" I smiled once I looked up and saw her advancing towards the table. She smiled widely at me, but I could tell there was something behind it.

Hugging me, she whispered in my ear "I saw Theo and Lara babe, are you alright?" I nodded "Yeah, I'm fine, I saw them and I felt the same as when I see you and Liam" I smirked as I pulled back from our hug.

"Awhhh" she cooed as she stroked my cheek before smiling at me and walking back to where Liam was sat on the bench. I watched as Liam wrapped his arm around Ansley and he held her close to his side.

She went in to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head to her at the last second, looking like he wanted to say something. I giggled as they pulled back, Liam looking slightly flustered and confused, probably trying to remember what he wanted to say.

Eating the slice of pizza, my eyes drifted back over to Theo and Lara, the small smile made its way back onto my face as I watched them once more. He's found his distraction. I've found mine.

I looked over at Brett to see he was already looking at me, "What?" I asked innocently, he simply shook his head and smiled at me.

"Seriously, what?" I asked again, "It's nothing, it's just that I talked to Theo earlier and he made me realize something" he explained briefly as he took a bite from the pizza slice in his hand.

"Well what was it?" I pressed, needing the information, "He made me realize how lucky I am to be able to even call you my best friend" Brett smiled at me, though I could tell it was slightly forced.

Before I could even comprehend and get a hold of myself, I had leaned forwards and smashed my lips onto Brett's. My arms found their way round his neck as his found their way around my waist, pulling me closer.

"I'm so so lucky to have you (Y/N)" he whispered as he looked down at me, "I really like you Brett" I whispered, a smile creeping slowly onto my face. "I love you" he whispered before kissing me again, silently telling me it was alright that I didn't love him yet.

I couldn't ask for a better distraction...

HELLO MY LIL PENGUINS, IT IS ME:-) ANYWho, hope you enjoyed part three, honestly I'm sorry that all three parts are kinda shitty.


I love all you guys so fucking much, thank you so so so so so much for 112K reads and 4.18K votes, as well as 867 comments. You have no idea how thankful I am to have you guys, never thought I'd even get ten reads😂

I'm so lucky to have all you little penguins, and I love you so much, I'll see you later *salutes* xxxxx

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