Braedens Sister (HannahxStiles)

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{Enjoy this picture that bears the truth}

"Hey Hannah! You want a ride home?" Josh, one of my friends asked me as he walked past with two of his other friends. "No thanks Josh. My sister's picking me up" I smiled, he nodded and walked over to his car, following the other two.

I was just replying to a text when someone spoke, "Hey" I looked up, heart beating fast, only seeing Stiles. "Oh my god. Dumbass" I muttered under my breath as my heartbeat slowed. "Hello Stiles" I said as I slipped my phone back into my pocket. Stiles grabbed at his chest, feigning hurt, as he groaned at the 'venom' in my voice.

"Ouch" he joked and then said "Can I ask you a question?" I sighed,  obviously I'm not gonna be rid of him unless he does. "Sure Stiles. What is it?" I asked, faking a smile. "Will you-" he started when he was cut off by a car horn, I looked over and sure enough it was my sisters car, with her inside, sunglasses on, hoping to hide her identity from people at school. "I'm sorry Stiles, that's my sister, I should really get going. Can the question wait til next week?" I asked as I looked back up at him, he slowly nodded. "Okay, see ya next week Stiles!" I said before running to the car.

"Well it's about time" Braeden said as I got in and shut the door, "Sorry. How long have you been here" I asked as she sped down the road towards the house. "Five minutes" she said, "and you beeped once?" I asked. "Yeah, when I saw you talking to Stiles Stilinski" she said as she pulled onto the driveway.

I was about to say something when her phone rang. I saw the screen as she answered Derek Hale, "Hello?" She asked into the phone, "Yeah, I'll be right there" she said a minute later before hanging up. "Is Derek Hale your new client?" I asked, "Yes. I don't want you going anywhere near him or the pack he's in" she warnes as she glanced over at me.

*ten minutes later*

"Wait in the car. I wont be more than ten minutes" Braeden said as she pulled up at a building with big windows on ever floor. "Mhmm" I hummed as my hand already reached for the radio, turning it up as my favourite song came on. I smiled as I vaguely heard Braeden scoff before getting out and walking into the building.

I knew Braedens 10 minutes was different to everyone else's, but after an hour and a half, I had officially had enough. I opened the car door, jumped out and slammed it shut before storming into the building, trying to control my anger enough to stop my claws from appearing.

I used my 'wolf-hearing' as Stiles had called it, before that I just called it normal hearing, and followed the sounds of chattering all the way up the steps to a big metal door. I slid it open and saw Stiles, Scott, Malia, Kira, Braeden and Derek standing around a table.

"Hannah. I told you to wait in the car" (REFERENCE ANYONE???) Braeden stated as she looked back over the table. "Ha- Hannah? What are you doing here?" Stiles asked as he walked over to me, "Well my sis told me to wait in the car for ten minutes, but that was an hour and a half ago" I said as he put his hands on my shoulders.

"Well, while you- wait. Braeden's your sister?" He asked, I nodded "Yeah" I stated casually, as if the whole room already knew before my outburst. "Okay, well um while you wait for your sister, can I ask you a question?" He asked me.

"You just did" I smiled, "Ha ha ha" he said, "Sure Stiles, go ahead" I laughed. "Will you go out with me?" he asked quickly, wanting to get it out the way. "Yes Stiles" I smiled as I held his hands, hoping he'd look back up at me. Slowly he did and when he saw the massive smile on my face, he smiled as well, "Great" he whispered.

After staring into each others eyes for twenty seconds, I could tell Stiles wasn't going to make a move, so I leaned forward, closing my eyes and pressed ny lips feverishly to his, it took him a few seconds, but he kissed back and let go of my hands, instead wrapping his arms around my waist and I put my hands on his chest.

This is kind of a shit ending, well. It's kind of a shit imagine. I'm sorry:-( hbl123 this is your personal, if you don't like it, I'll rewrite it:-) I love all you little penguins, stay yourself, don't change for anybody<3

Also. Requests are still closed until next month. Sorry little penguins, but I have to get through things one at a time.

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