Song based imagine (#4); Isaac.

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I have Heartbreak Girl by 5SOS stuck in my head, so I figured I'd write an imagine based on it!! Hope ya like it☺

You call me up, it's like a broken record. You say that your heart hurts, that you'll never get over him getting over you. And you end up crying, and I end up lying 'cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do. When the phone call finally ends, you say I'll call you tomorrow at ten, and we're going in circles again and again

"I've had enough (Y/N)! I'm sick of it, I'm done!" Josh said as he stormed out of your house and slammed the front door shut, thank god my parents weren't here to hear that, You thought to yourself. With salty tears stinging your eyes as they fell endlessly you picked up your phone and sobbed as you dialled the all to familiar number. God, Isaac please pick up. Please. Please, I can't talk to anyone else plea- "Hello?" Isaacs voice filled your ear after the second ring, interrupting your thoughts, "I- Is- Isaac" you barely choked out before the uncontrollable sobs took over your body again. "Jess, what's wrong?" Isaac asked you quickly, you're sure you heard rustling on his side of the line, maybe his coat. "Josh br- broke up with- with me" You sobbed, "How am I go-going to forget abou- bout him?" You started to sob so loudly after that, you barely heard what Isaac said next. "It'll be easier if you have someone like m- uhm.. someone who cares about you, to look after you"
"I don't know when or even if- I'm gonna be ready for another relationship. I love Josh, I- I just" you cut yourself off because you couldn't hold back the sobs anymore.

*Time skip in the TARDIS*

"Thank you for listening- again- Isaac. I'll call you tomorrow at ten" You said before hanging up.

"And we're going in circles again and again..." Isaac whispered to himself as he listened to the line go dead. "You're; The one who never see's the truth; that I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl. Hold you tight straight through the daylight. I'm right here, when you gonna realise that I'm your cure, heartbreak girl" He sang to himself before climbing into his bed and going to sleep, dreaming about how cute you two could be together, if only he could find the right time to tell you.....

Hey my little penguins, so my baby cousin made the collage really quickly, and I didn't want to make her cry, so I just added it on here. Anyway guys, I now have a whole list of ideas all thanks to my two favourite cousins. They're both literally amazing, love them so much.
I might update twice more today, it literally depends on what I have to do around the house, I will start the next one. But if not today, definitely tomorrow.
Bye my little penguins, love ya all<3

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