I'd choose you (IrenexAiden)

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irenefv13 this is your personal with Aiden, I am so so so so so sorry that it's about 3 weeks late... Please don't kill me! *holds hands up in surrender*

Lets start!!

Aiden, my boyfriend, has been feeling kind of off lately. He wont talk to me about it, in fact he's barely said two words to me over the past five days.

I know he's spoken to Ethan about it, but when I ask Ethan about it, he says he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"Hey Irene! Can I talk to you for a sec?" Isaac yelled to me from the front door into the school. I jogged over to him and immediately he started talking, "So basically after yesterdays lesson, Harris wants you in detention" he paused as he looked at his phone "in like ten seconds" he yelled, pushing me through the doors, making a few people stare at us like we were crazy which to be fair, we probably are.

I ran as fast as I could to Harris' classroom and stepped inside the door just as the bell rang and Harris said "Miss Irene, only just on time, take a seat, you'll be here for ninety minutes in total, do not waste the peace and quiet."

I looked over to the desks and saw Aiden sitting there alone, and Stiles, also alone, but waving me over to sit with him. I sighed as I walked over to the back of the classroom, as I walked past Aiden he reached out, held my hand and kissed it before letting go and moving his hand back so fast I thought I had imagined the whole thing. But I knew that I hadn't when I saw Stiles' reaction.

I however brushed it off as I walked over to Stiles and sat opposite him. "Hey" he whispered, "Hi" I whispered back. "See you let Lydia dress you this morning. Did all her moaning finally get to you?" He joked as he looked at my outfit.

I smiled and nodded before glancing over at Aiden and saw he was listening . "Do you know why my boyfriend wont talk to me?" I asked Stiles. He looked at me, deliberating something before he grabbed a pen and a random piece of paper off the desk and scribbled something down.

Around a minute later he passed me the note and I read it after glancing at Harris to make sure I had the chance. Aiden thinks that because you and me have been closer over the past week, you're cheating on him with me.

So that's why he started a fight with you in yesterdays lesson? I wrote back to him. Yeah

I hid the paper as Harris looked up and dismissed us saying that we're leaving early because he has to leave now, and not to expect this every time we have a detention with him.

I personally wasn't listening that much because I was too busy thinking about what I would say to Aiden to sort everything out.

I'd choose you, in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you, because I love you, nobody else, just you. That's what I'll say to him.

"Aiden! Can I speak to you for a second?" I asked as we all walked out of Harris' classroom. He turned around to face me and nodded before walking over to me.

"Okay, I- I just want you to know something. I'd choose you, in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you, because I love you, Aiden" I paused as a tear rolled down my cheek and I watched as Aidens eyes watered. "nobody else, just you" I finished as more tears rolled down my cheeks.

Aiden reached out and wiped them all away before leaning over to me and capturing my lips in a soft, loving kiss that conveyed all our feelings and passion towards each other, and in that moment I knew, he'd choose me every time too.

Hey little penguins!! So Irene, I REALLY hope that you like it, you asked for Aiden and I tried to deliver... If you don't like it I can always write you another one, any who love you all!!<3

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