Solo party again!!

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Send me songs to play, suggest away my bootiful lil penguins!! If you have snapchat add my wattpad one, I'll post a video of it playing on my story.

But yeah, any band/singer/group accepted (but not Justin Bieber or Jocab Saggytitties, |no offence|) cause I don't have a specific taste in music, it's all over the place tbh.

Okay so yeah, send me songs I need some to play on my new sound bar😂😂 I think my neighbours are gonna fucking kill me, so comment some good ones!!!

Also, I've finally listened to Treat you better and I'm fucking obsessed with it, like no jokes I can't stop pressing 'play next' for it😂🙈

Okay, wattpad snapchat is Jess-isapenguin go add it cause I'm posting about updates and my #SoloParty

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