Closet kisses (Liam)

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"OK guys c'mon, we can't just sit here, we've got to do something before I lose my mind" Lydia nearly yelled at us as she stood up to look at us all at once. "Well, what would you suggest?" I asked her from my spot on Liam's lap, "What about a game or something? Maybe hide and seek?" She asked, we all hummed or nodded as she clapped her hands.

"Great! So, inside the house only, upstairs and downstairs allowed, who's gonna count first?" Scott put his hand up. "No werewolf powers!" Lydia and I yelled as we all stood up and started running off as Scott closed his eyes and faced the corner.

"(Y/N)! C'mon, follow me, I know where we can hide" Liam smirked as he held my hand and we started running through the house. "In here," he pulled me into a bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind us.

"Now what?" I giggled quietly as I sat on the edge of the bed and watched Liam looking wildly around the room, "In here?" He asked as he opened a closet door. I nodded, standing up and slipping in quickly, Liam stepped in after me, not realising how small it was, he was pressed up against me as he shut the door behind me.

"Hi" I whispered as I laughed, "Hey" he smiled, in the dim light I could only just make out his expression, "Maybe we should find some where else to hide?" I suggested, "Yeah" he laughed. Just as he was about to open the closet door, we heard a scream and then suddenly the bedroom door opened, I held my breath as I held tightly onto Liam's shirt, listening to what was happening in the bedroom.

A shadow passed over the closet and a voice I recognised as Lydia filled the air, "Scott" C'mon, there's nobody in there and that closet is way to small to fit anyone in it" Thank you Lydia!

The footsteps grew quieter and then they were gone, "The bedroom door's still open!" Liam whispered, "Guess we'll just have to keep hiding in here" I sighed.

*half an hour later*

"Oh c'mon!" We heard Stiles yell, "It's just us" Liam giggled, "I'm so bored" I whispered, "I know something we could do" Liam smirked, "What's that?" I asked, already knowing what he would say. Liam didn't speak, far from it, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips.

"Mm" I moaned as Liam pulled my body even closer to his as we continued to kiss. After five minutes we finally heard Scott yell "Liam! (Y/N)! We give up! You win!" I pulled away from Liam's lips to say "C'mon, let's go put them out of their misery"

Slowly Liam and I got out of the closet and I ran ahead to let the pack know where we were hiding. "(Y/N)! Where the hell were you hiding?!" Lydia asked me, "Y'know that closet that was way too small to fit anyone in?"

"No" she laughed, "I told Scott not look in there!" She carried on laughing, "I'm sorry" Scott shook his head, "Well done guys, you won, so you both can count now while we hide" I nodded before dragging Liam into the living room, "The first place we check is that closet" I whispered as Liam nodded.

Hey guys! Holy fuck I have got a lot of writing to catch up on in all of my books! Crap, but I'm nearly done with my other book, and as soon as that one's done, I'll have all my time to put back into wattpad, so please bear with me guys, it won't be long!!

Thank you for putting up with me, I love y'all my lil penguins and I'll see ya later *salutes* xxxxx

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