Cheat (IsabelxScott)

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DON'T LISTEN TO THIS SONG IF YOU DON'T WANT TO CRY. Amnesia is the kind of song that you'll listen to and it'll remind you of everything that happened with your boyfriend, and then your mum'll come in and be like "but you never had a boyfriend"😂😂

*Scott's POV*

"Allison, what are you doing?" I asked as I watched the girl I used to love- key words being used to- begin to take off her shirt, "I'm just getting more comfortable" She smirked at me. "Yeah, well could you get comfortable, with your clothes on please?" I said as I looked down at the floor, trying not to think about what she was trying to get me to do.

"C'mon Scott, I know you still love me. I don't even know why you're still with that, whatever her name is Lacey, Tracey-" "Isabel" I stated firmly, "And I'm with her, because I love her, Allison. I'm sorry, but I don't love you any more" I finished and a seconds later I felt her hands at my waist, pulling up my shirt, over my head, "Sto-" I tried before she smashed her lips onto mine.

"Hey Scott, I'm here to study with you and........ Allison" I heard Isabels voice as she walked in through the door and then came to a sudden stop. "Isabel! I- Baby, it wasn't m-" She cut me off, "No. I don't wanna hear it!" She growled at me, her eyes bright red, before she turned and ran out the door, slamming it shut.

"Do you see what you did?!" I yelled as I looked at Allison and she had a smirk on her face, with a mischievous glint in her eye, "You wanted to do that?! You wanted to break us up?! Allison I love her, how could you do that?!" I yelled again before pulling on my shirt and kicking her out.

I can't believe that she could do such a thing. We ended on good terms, it's not like she had a reason to do that to me.

*Isabel's POV*

I ran all the way home, getting there in half the time it would usually take me considering I'm all wolfed out now, I just can't believe that he would do that, and when we were meant to study together as well, and then he has the nerve to pull the "It wasn't me" card.

I howled in frustration before running into the woods, just running further and further until finally I stopped. I stopped running and I just leant my back against a tree and slid down, ignoring the rough bark on my back and let the tears fall, while my claws found a home in the palms of my hands.

*time skip to next day:-)*

*Scotts POV*

"What? Stiles, what do you mean 'Isabel isn't here?" I asked, not wanting to believe my ears. "Dude, I mean she isn't here today. She called me this morning saying she might not be in tomorrow either" Stiles said before hitting me upside the head.

"Ow" I muttered to myself as I rubbed the back of my head before saying "Okay Stiles. You gotta cover for me. I need to talk to Isabel now" I said as I walked out of school and towards my bike, not giving Stiles a chance to reply.

*Isabels POV*

I sighed as I laid in my bed, just thinking about last night. What happened between me and Scott that would cause him to do that? My thoughts were soon interrupted by a sharp knock on my window that nearly made me jump out of my own skin.

I looked over and saw it was Scott sat there looking in, like I lost little puppy. I rolled over onto my other side, just ignoring him until he kept knocking and wouldn't stop.

"OH MY GOD. ENOUGH" I yelled as I stood up and walked over to the window. "Scott what do you want?" I asked as I slid it open, letting him in before quickly shutting it again because of the cold weather. "I-" he stopped himself.

*Scotts POV*

I jumped into her warm room and didn't take much notice of the music playing in the background until I heard the lyrics, "I-" I stopped myself so that I could hear the lyrics properly.

I recognized the song almost immediately, Amnesia by 5SOS, I guess you could say that this song for the situation almost perfectly.

"Baby. Isabel" I whispered as I walked towards her, trying to give her a hug before she put her hand on my chest, keeping me at arms length away from her.

"Isabel" I whispered, "Please. Can you at least let me explain?" I asked, "You can listen to my heartbeat and know I'm not lying"

She nodded at me, before going and walking over to the bed, sitting down on the edge with me following her.

I knelt down in front of her and then began to explain what actually happened yesterday.

"Isabel. This is like the oldest lie in the book, but honestly, this is the truth. I would never lie to you, but Allison came onto me, I would never cheat on you. Baby please, you have to believe me" I said as I held her hands.

"Scott" she whispered, "You aren't a good liar, and that's how I know you're telling me the truth" she continued.

"I love you Isabel" I whispered as I pulled her into my lap and wrapped my arms around her in a big hug.

"I love you too" she whispered back to me and pressed a kiss to my cheek before hiding her face in the crook of my neck.

isabelgarcia188 this is your personal, I hope you like it love:-) if not I'll rewrite it for you xxxx

Love all you little penguins, stay safe!! Xxxxxxxxxxx

This song is just.... It reminds me of too much... 😭😭😭

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