Saving you (AlexandraxIsaac)

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Derek Hale. Big bad Alpha, my ex boyfriend, my ex abuser- Ah, yeah, got your attention there didn't I? Let me tell you the story of how he became my ex.

~beginning of the story~

When we first got together three years ago, everything was fine, it was great, almost too great.

Derek was always a complete gentleman, opening doors for me, standing up for me when people pushed past, just small things like that, although it always meant a lot to me.

But after a year, things began to get a little sour. His attitude went downhill, he wasn't a gentleman anymore, he barely spoke to me, and when he did he was yelling.

Soon the punches started, along with the slaps and the kicks and more yelling. It became so bad that I would hide away in a cupboard to try and get away from him.

One night however, once he got home from whatever it was that he was doing, I wasn't fast enough to hide and he saw me.

"Alexandra. Where do you think you are going?" He asked in a strong voice, making me shiver in fear as I turned around to face him.

"I was going to bed, it's getting a little late" I said, my voice shaking slightly as I tried to hide my fear.

He raised his hand I immediately flinched, waiting for the feel of his palm on my cheek, but when I opened my eyes, he was scratching the back of his neck, deep in thought.

"Alexandra. I know you were trying to hide from me. Do not treat me as if I am stupid" He said as he looked down at me, disgrace filling his eyes.

"You need to be punished" he mused (and not in the good way)

"Please Derek. Don't" I whispered as I watched his right hand ball into a fist and come flying towards my face.

I felt the impact on my cheek, the pain spreading up to my eye and down to my jaw. I gasped as I brought my hand up to cup my cheek, which would definitely be bruised tomorrow.

"I don't think that's enough. Do you, Alexandra?" He smirked evilly as he brushed his fingertips gently across my arm.

"Come with me" he stated, the smirk falling off his face as he grabbed my arm viciously and yanked me towards the couch that sat in the middle of the room.

"Lie down" he spat at me as I did what he said, worrying about what would happen, and taking a wild guess.

"Derek please" I whimpered, I was no where near as strong as him, he could overpower me even if he wasn't also a werewolf.

"Shut up. I'm gonna punish you later, but right now, I think you should try and lift my mood. You've made me very angry and you wouldn't want me to be even angrier... Would you?" He asked as he hovered over me.

I shook my head as tears fell from my eyes, my guess was right, and there was no way in hell I had any hope of stopping him on my own, and there was no chance of someone coming in and finding us.

More tears fell from my eyes and rolled down my cheeks as I watched him rip my shirt from my body and leave kisses on my skin, slowly trailing down to my jeans.

His fingers had just reached the material and were beginning to undo the button when the door to the loft slid open.

Derek sat up, turning around and blocking my view, so I couldn't see who or what was at the door. "Leave. Now" Derek growled at whoever it was, a small part of me hoping that they would, I don't want anyone else to get hurt, but another part of me wanted them to fight Derek.

"No" the person growled back, I searched my mind, trying to recognize the voice, but I came up with nothing.

Derek stood up and tauntingly walked over to the door, allowing me to see who it was, it was Isaac and Scott, they both looked at me and Scott mouthed "We're gonna save you"

"She's not going anywhere" Derek spat as he raised his hand, claws at the ready, Scott stopped his arm before he could scratch him and Isaac slipped around them once they'd become too interested in fighting one another.

"Hey, hey. Alexandra, right?" Isaac asked as he sat down beside me on the couch, I nodded meekly at him. "Well don't worry, you're coming with me, Derek will never touch you again" he smiled as he held out his hand for me to take.

I looked at it for a few seconds before I looked down at my arms, crossed over my chest, trying to cover myself up. "Oh! I'm sorry, here, wear this" Isaac said, I looked up and saw he was taking off his jumper, leaving him in a white shirt.

"Thank you" I whispered as I took it from his hand and turned slightly to slip it on. "Why are you here?" I asked as I turned around to face him again.

"What do you mean?" He asked me, confusion evident in his expression. I looked into his eyes, "What are you doing here?"

"Saving you"

It's a shit ending I know, but honestly, I don't know how to end it. I'm sorry:-(

lexivantas this is your personal. I hope you like it:-) sorry it took so long:-(

Love you little penguins, I'm working on requests, trying to finish them asap, so bear with me.

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