(KaraxIsaac) ~fluffy-ish~

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So um.... It's kind of oka- yeah okay, it's really bad. SweetlyBitter26 this is your personal.

This kid started school last month, Isaac Lahey, he's on the lacrosse team, which I only know because on his first day Allison dragged me and Lydia out in the cold, to watch lacrosse practice. And we're watching it again, only this time Allsion never even gave me the few seconds it would have taken for me to grab my coat.

So we're watching the lacrosse practice tonight it's about 2°C (sorry if you use Farenheight or however you spell it) and everyone around me, apart from the lacrosse players, are wearing coats, hats and gloves, and me? I'm wearing a thin jumper and a tank top underneath that.

We had another fifteen minutes left and I had to go into the school saying I needed the bathroom. When in reality I went to warm myself up and also do some more work, luckily I left my books in my locker today.

I walked in and shut the door behind me and looked down the eerie school hallway. I slowly looked around and then walked to my locker, taking out my books when I heard someone else breathing right beside me.

I looked around my locker and saw Isaac standing right there. He was looking at me with something in his eye, I don't know what, it couldn't be love because we haven't even been going out for three weeks yet.

"Uhhh hi...?" I said, nearly asked, nervously after a few moments of looking at eachother in silence. "Hi" Isaac said with a small smile gracing his pale red lips.

"What's up?" I asked, as he smiled at me. "I came to see if you were alright. I looked around for you, but you weren't with Allison and Lydia anymore." he said to me.

"I got cold" I simply stated, he nodded his head slightly and said "wait here" before running off. I sighed but stayed put when my phone buzed in my pocket.

I pulled it put of my pocket and saw I had a message from Lydia.
Hey Kara! OK, so me and Allison are heading home , but I'm sure Isaac will take you home. Love youuu! Xxxxxxx

I shook my head and then my phone buzzed again with another message, but this time it said Isaac.
Hey. It's Isaac btw. OK, so- reason #1 why I like you- you're so beautiful it's unreal.

I smiled and when I looked up, I saw Isaac standing there with a bag on his shoulder and a jacket in his hand. "Hey. You can put this on, if you want. I can see you're still shaking" he said as he draped his coat over my shoulders, and then kept his arm around my shoulders.

I glanced at his hand, but decided against saying anything because it made me a lot warmer. I went up on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

I watched him take out his phone as we walked out of the school and he was texting away. A minute later he put it away in his pocket and pulled out a set of car keys.

He pressed a button and I watched as the lights on a BMW flashed and he lead me over to the passenger door and opened it for me like a gentleman. "Thanks wolfie" I said as I climbed in and he shut the door and ran around to his side before opening the door and saying "What did you call me?"

I smirked as I clicked in my seatbelt, "I called you wolfie" I said as he got in the car. He looked over at me, clearly trying to decide if I knew. "I know, Isaac. I know all of it" I said, he looked at me like I had grown a third eye or something.

*Time skip to the fluff~ish*

We pulled onto my driveway and I looked out the window at the big empty house.

"Well thank you for the ride" I said to Isaac as I unclipped my seatbelt. "It's no problem" he said to me. I leaned over and kissed his cheek and got out the car, leaving him behind, blushing like crazy.

"Oh, and Isaac?" I said just before I shut the passenger door and he looked over to me. I paused for a few seconds, before I flashed my blue eyes at him and then slammed the door shut and ran over to my front door, with Isaac hot on my tail.

"I'm a were-coyote" I said as we both walked into my house. "Lets watch a movie" I said, not giving Isaac a chance to talk.

I chose a random movie and I was hiding my face in Isaacs neck and sitting on his lap as I realised what movie I had chosen The Shining. I felt him kiss my head and his arms tighten around my waist.

I lifted my head up to see the TV screen, and I felt Isaac kiss my cheek, I blushed and saw from the corner of my eye that my phone was flashing, meaning I have a notification. I lifted it up and pressed the power button, turning on the screen and saw I had a text from Isaac.
Reason #2 why I like you- you put everyone elses needs before your own.

I smiled before putting it back down and snuggling back into Isaacs chest, I felt him rest his head on top of mine again, and that's how the rest of the night was spent; snuggling, me hiding from the movie and kissing eachothers cheeks, and one or two kisses on my neck when I flinched at the movie.

ADJSKLIF Okay so it's bad. In Fact no. It's worse than bad. It's crap. I'm sorry. Don't kill me.

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