I don't have a good title (AfnanxLiam)

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This is a lil bit rude, and if you don't have a dirty mind like moi (is that spelt right?) You won't completely understand

*Liam's POV*

"On the right we have Liam Dunbar, participating in his first staring contest with the all time undefeated champ Afnan Stilinski who is sat on the left!" Scott says as he pretends to hold a microphone while acting as the referee.

"Liam! How do you feel?" Scott says, shoving the "microphone" in my face "I feel like I need to blink, but staring into my girlfriends gorgeous hazel eyes is stopping me" I smiled as I saw a small blush creep up onto Afnans cheeks.

"Afnan! All time champ of the McCall pack, how do you feel?" Scott asked as he shoved the "microphone" into Afnans face now.

"I feel like I'm gonna win" she smirked as she looked at me. "Oh my god, just stroke it Lydia!"

"What?!" Both me and Afnan yelled as I blinked and we looked towards the kitchen, "Liam loses! Afnan remains the All Time Champ!" Scott yelled and I groaned.

"Well done babe" I whispered in her ear as I kissed her temple. "Lydia it's nice and it's hard, it won't hurt" we heard Stiles say from the kitchen.

"Stiles what-" I cut myself off once I saw that Lydia was stroking Afnans Dogs tail.

"Oh my god" I laughed as Stiles looked at me, "What?" He asked me. I shook my head as Afnan started giggling along with me, "You said it was-" she cut herself off with the giggles falling from her lips.

"Wha- Oh" realisation dawned on Stiles' face as his words flowed through his mind, "I can't believe I said that, to you! Of all people, Lydia I- oh my god" he said quickly to Lydia, who was trying not to laugh.

"It's okay Stiles, but you're right, it definitely wasn't soft" she smirked as she kissed his cheek.

"Hey guys! There's something on the couch and it's really sticky!" Brett yelled from the living room. I jumped, forgetting that he was even here watching our staring contest.

"What is it?" Scott asked as he stepped towards the door, "I don't know but it's white" Brett called back.

"It's whi-" Scott cut himself off as he started laughing. "I can't breathe" Lydia said as she was doubled over laughing.

"Alright, time to pull out the cleaning stuff" Scott said as he got out some wipes and spray.

"That'll be the only thing pulling out tonight" I smirked as I squeezed Afnans ass, "Liam" she whispered as she hit my chest, but she was smirking nonetheless.

IS THIS ALRIGHT? potterhead1307 Does it live up to your expectations? I sincerely hope so, if not I will rewrite it for you!

I might not update again today like I was planning to, because its my stepmums birthday and I'm gonna spend some time with her.

There is a DeadPool reference in this imagine, if you find it, I'll write an imagine for you. (First two/three people only though)

So be safe guys and I will see ya later!

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