He catches you dancing 6/6

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Isaac: When Alesha Dixon released her song the way we are you had it stuck in your head for a few days, and to say you loved the dance was an understatement, you loved it so much you knew you just had to try and learn it. So one day when Isaac went out for the day, you took it as your opportunity to try it out, as soon as his car left the driveway you had leapt out of bed and put on your active wear before running downstairs and blaring the song from the speakers and you followed the woman on the step by step dance video. What you didn't expect or realise is that Isaac came back home about two hours later because he forgot some paperwork and he walked in on you dancing to the song by yourself because you had learnt it already. "Whoa" he said to himself as he watched you get into your dance zone again after your drink break, he clapped a little and you heard and immediately stopped and looked over your shoulder to see Isaac standing in the doorway "Babygirl that was... whoa" He said after you had paused the music and turned to face him properly while wiping away your sweat on your forehead with a towel.

Liam: Camp Rock is by far your all time favourite movie, you just cannot get enough of all the songs and the dancing, and when Camp Rock 2 came out, you couldn't have been happier. For a week you were singing all the songs and dancing all the dances basically whenever you got the chance, and it eventually carried on for more than two years, although you stopped singing and dancing the dances and songs from Camp Rock. Although you often found some chances to watch the movies and sing and dance to your heart's content, one of those chances was when you were home alone, in your kitchen you had a pizza in the oven and you had It's a brand new day in your head so you subtly started dancing and then it quickly turned into a dancing session, you were so caught up that you didn't hear the front door open and close, neither did you hear Liam walking towards the kitchen. He had pulled out his phone and he was recording you with a small smile on his face as he watched you enjoy yourself, something you weren't really able to do recently with all the Kate coming back crap and Derek being turned young again and the whole pack was on guard, so it was nice for him to see you enjoying yourself again. You stopped once the oven timer beeped signalling that your pizza was ready so you got it out and cut it into six before Liam put his arms around your waist and whispered "I enjoyed your dancing baby"

Hope you enjoyed reading this! Sorry it was in two parts, if you have any ideas at all don't hesitate to message me. If you want a personal just message me and include your;



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