CareBear (AnniexCarson)

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"Is your brother nice?" Carson asked me one day at school, we don't go to the same school as Isaac and the pack, so Carson; my boyfriend, has never met them. "He's the sweetest" I smiled at him, "Is he gonna be the nicest to your boyfriend though?"

"Carson, you will be fine. You aren't even meeting him for another week anyway!" He took a deep breath before nodding, "Okay, come on, let's go to class"

When we got to class, we were met with a note on the door, 'I shall not be in for today's lesson, please mark yourself present on the paper I am leaving at reception, and I will see you all next week'

"Huh, OK, let's go to reception and then I'm off to the library" I told Carson as we began walking to the front desk, "Alright, I'll go home, my mom said she could use some help in the garden today" I nodded in reply.

"Hi, we're here to sign in for Mr Richards' class?" I told the new lady behind the desk, "Oh yes! Now, where did I put that darn register? Oh, here" she passed us the register and handed me a black pen.

I put a mark next to mine and Carson's names before handing them back to her and then we walked off down the hallway. "I'll see you tomorrow" Carson kissed my cheek before sneaking out the door leading to the school field.

I made my way into the library, making my way to the tables in the farthest corner where nobody goes, so I'll be all alone to do my studying.

Half an hour later I felt a new presence beside me, I looked up and saw Isaac. "Isaac? This isn't even your school, what're you doing here?"

"I'm here to take you can your dentists appointment" I was confused until he winked at me, "So where's your little boyfriend?" I sighed, momentarily stopping as I packed away my stuff. "Carson went home to help his mom, speaking of Carson, don't forget you're meeting him next week. He's already scared enough, please go easy on him!"

"I'll see" Isaac laughed.

*Skip to when they meet*

"Hey Carson, today's the day, are you ready?" I asked him when I met him in the park, "Uh I think so. God I haven't been this nervous about anything before, I feel like I'm gonna be sick" I giggled lightly before holding his hand.

"Carson, don't worry, you'll be fine, hang on" I said as my phone chimed in my pocket, I pulled it out and saw a new message and read it aloud for Carson, "Hey sis, Lydia begged me to let her come and meet your little boyfriend, so we're going out for lunch in about two hours at your favourite café. See you later"

I looked over at Carson, "You'll love Lydia, I swear. I've told you about her, you already know how nice she us" slowly he nodded. "Alright, come with me" I stood up and held my hand out for him to take.

"Where are we going?" I smiled as he held my hand and stood up, "For a walk, and get ice-cream and then to go and meet my brother and Lydia"

*one hour and a half later*

"You have a little ice-cream, right there" I laughed as I smeared ice-cream all over Carson's cheek. "You're gonna pay for that" he started running after me as I ran away from him and towards the café.

I stopped once I got there, momentarily forgetting Carson was chasing me until his arms wrapped around me and his hot breath fanned my ear. "Gotcha" he whispered as he started tickling me, leaving me breathless and begging him to stop in the matter of a minute.

Finally he stopped, and that was when I heard my name being called, "Annie?" I looked up and saw Lydia and my brother walking up to us.

"Oh, hey guys! Uh- this is my boyfriend Carson, Carson this is my best friend Lydia, and my brother Isaac" I introduced a nervous Carson to a smiling Lydia and a serious Isaac.

"Nice to meet you" Carson smiled nervously as he shook Lydia's hand, "You too" she smiled back. "Should we go in?" I asked sensing the hostility in the air.

Lydia nodded as we walked in, Lydia walked in front with me, leaving Carson and Isaac to walk together. By the time we were seated at a booth, they were talking and laughing with each other.

"Well that was fast" I said to Lydia as she sat beside me, "Yeah, but at least they like each other" she smiled as I nodded.

To put it shortly, we had a nice lunch and Isaac and Carson became best friends.

Okay, AnnieBear! Anniebelle_98 hello again! This is your second request!! I hope you like, if not I'll rewrite it for you:-)

Okie, uh no news once again.

I love y'all my lil penguins and I'll see you later *salutes* xxxxx

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