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"Hey Ansley" Liam smiled as he passed by my locker with Mason, on the way to his locker, "Hi Liam" I smiled back at one of my best friends.

"He likes you" I heard someone say, well rather sing from beside me. "What the fu-" I cut myself off when I turned around and saw Lydia stood there.

"Lydia, what are you talking about?" I asked her as I shut my locker, turning fully to face her as I clutched my books close to my chest.

"I mean, Liam Dunbar likes you Ansley! Can't you see it?" She asked as she tilted her head to the left slightly, I giggled, she reminded me of a confused puppy.

"Lydia please, we're just friends" I sighed as I started to walk to my next class. "Oh please. You are, he isn't" She said as she walked with you, "Lydia! Liam does not like me!" I whisper yelled as people walked past us, walking into the classroom we had stopped outside of.

"Yeah he does" A voice came from behind me, I turned around quickly, only finding Mason, and not Liam. "Oh my god Mason" I whispered as I held my hand over my heart.

"Sorry Ansley, but he does like you" Mason said as he held onto his bag straps, fiddling with them as he talked. "See! If you can't take it from his best friend then I don't know anymore" Lydia sighed.

"Guys, I'm denying it because I know he would never like me back. It's so cliché and so over used, but it's true" I sighed and walked into the classroom before they could say anything in return.

I sighed in relief as I sat down in my seat at the back of the classroom, although my relief was short lived as Liam and Mason walked in and sat in the seats in front of me.

All through the lesson Mason kept looking back at me as he and Liam were whispering. I tried to keep my attention on the work but failed as I kept hearing my name pop up in their conversation.

Eventually I finished the work and walked up to the front, to hand it in, as I walked I felt eyes on me. I turned around to see Liam and Mason quickly looking back down at their work. The teacher smiled at me and told me I could sit back down and do some work for another class until the bell.

I sighed as I sat back down, taking out my history text book to read ahead for next lesson, considering I had no work I needed to do.

Mr Yukimura said to us that we would be learning about Nazi Germany, so I started reading about it, getting prepared ahead of time.

Although I don't really need to read it, I could just ask my other best friend Jess (I'm sorry, I just wanted to be in one imagine okay? Don't eat me, I'll get rid of myself if you wish it) cause she knows all about this stuff.

I had read about one page by the time the bell rang, I quickly packed up and walked out, avoiding Mason and Liam as they tried to stop me from walking past them.

I looked at my phone for the time, happy seeing it was the end of school. I walked out of the school doors, in time to see Jess greeting Stiles with a kiss on the cheek.

Taking a deep breath, slowly letting it go I walked towards them, since Stiles was my ride home, only to be stopped by a hand on my arm.

I turned around seeing Liam stood there, his cheeks a bright red and he was looking down at the ground. "Liam?" I asked him, making him look up at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, worried because he was still red in the face, "Huh? Oh um I-I-I um. I wanted to a-ask you a question?" Liam stuttered.

I looked back at Jess and Stiles quickly to see Stiles nodding at me and Jess was mouthing "Get in there" with a smirk. I shook my head as I turned back to look at Liam, "You don't have to be so nervous Liam, it's just me" I giggled.

"Well you're a beautiful girl Ansley, you make me very nervous" he chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck, slowly gaining back some of his confidence he asked me "Do you maybe want to go out with me this Saturday?"

I was taken aback that Liam would even ask me that, considering we spend every other weekend with each other, the next being next week. Unless- no, why would Liam ask me on a date? You'll never know if you don't ask!

"Do you mean like- like a date?" I asked, slowly becoming nervous myself. "Uh- Yeah, yeah. A date" Liam said as he looked down at the ground again and then looked back up at me quickly.

I smiled as I looked up at him, "Liam I'd love to" I said truthfully. "Really?" He asked, his whole body relaxing as he registered my words, I nodded in response.

"Great! I'll pick you up, around 8" he smiled down at me, "Sounds good" I smiled, standing up on my tip toes to gently kiss his cheek before I walked off to catch my ride with Jess and Stiles, leaving an ecstatic Liam stood there by himself.

Oh holy shhhh- my endings could not get any worse. Am I right? Okay; life update guys: too many assignments from college, sorry for not updating too much on Saturday like I promised, all imagines will be up soon I swear.

Requests are closed for a lil bit cause all I've been doing are requests, I haven't had time to do preferences or anything.

Gallys_sailor LIMSLEY IMAGINE IS FINALLY HERE! unpredictamuke yours will be up tomorrow, other people who requested; they'll be up tomorrow night or Saturday.

Probably no updates Friday cause I'm going to see Captain America: Civil War straight after my placement, but I'll try and fit one in for you.

I love you all, thank you so much for 89k reads! Like seriously I can't thank you enough, and thank you for 3.36k votes! Holy sugar cubes I can't believe that. Thank you so much, I love you all my lil penguins, thank you for sticking with me even though I suck xxxxxx

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