I can do it! (lil bit explicit) (LaurenxLiam)

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"Why?" I asked as I looked around at the pack, we- well they were just discussing the fact that apparently I can't defend myself. "Why do you think I can't defend myself?" I asked, not actually expecting an answer, yet my big brother answered. "Because" Scott started and I whipped my head around to face him, "Because you're always relying on us to save you" He said as he looked down at the table, avoiding my glare.

"BULLSHIT! None of you even give me a fucking chance" I yelled before walking off, slamming the front door shut on my way out, and then broke out into a run. "Lauren!" I heard a distant voice yell, but I didn't stop running, "Lauren!" They yelled again, this time right behind me, and then suddenly I felt arms around my waist, pulling me back into them.

"Let. Me. Go" I said, trying to remain calm before I let them have it. "Lauren, it's just me" I turned around to find it was just Liam. "Idiot" I muttered as I punched his chest, I hid my face in the crook of his neck and whispered "I can't believe they'd say that" Liams hand rubbed soothing circles on my back as his other hand was resting on the back of my head.

"Baby, if they knew what I knew, they'd never doubt you" Liam comforted me, I nodded as I sniffled, feeling a tear fall down my cheek. "C'mon, it's cold, why don't we go back to my house?" he asked me gently and I nodded, letting him walk me there.

"C'mon" he chuckled when I stopped at the steps leading to his front door, I shook my head, crossing my arms like a little kid, he sighed smiling and then scooped me up into his arms and ran up to the door, quickly unlocking it and then walking inside.

We didn't even make it anywhere else in the house before I started crying again. "Hey, baby.. Lauren it's alright" Liam tried to comfort me, I sniffled again before wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face in his chest, just trying to calm down slightly.

Liams head suddenly shot up, his head moving from side to side, eyes searching all around. He kind of resembled a meerkat right now, and if it wasn't for the worry and concern in his eyes I would have laughed.

"Liam?" I asked, he slowly looked back down at me, "What's wrong?" I asked. "Scott, the- the pack. Their in trouble" he said as he put me back down on the ground. "C'mon" I said as I ran out the door, "Lauren wait. We don't even know where they are, or who is with them" Liam said as he walked out the door.

I felt like screaming as I ran my hands through my hair, "Okay, we'll- we'll go to Deaton. He'll know what to do. Or at least know someone who can help us find them" I said as I looked up at him. "Let's go"

*ten minutes later*

"Did you happen to hear anything unusual before you heard Scott's howl?" Deaton questioned Liam once we told him what happened. "Ummm" Liam said while looking down at the ground, Deaton stopped what the was doing and put it down before turning to fully look at him, "Liam. If you heard something, I will need to know"

"I heard a- a scream. It wasn't a banshee but it wasn't quite human" Liam said, shivering as he thought about it again. "I think I know what that scream was" Deaton said, a worried look on his face, "And if I'm right. Then all of you are in danger"

*thirty minutes later... sorry*

"Scott?!" "Scott!" Liam and I yelled as we ran past trees and over branches. "Ugghhhhhh here" We heard a faint whimper, me and Liam looked at each other before we ran over and saw Scott laying there with a deep cut in his side and it was bleeding black blood. "They're...... Sti- still..... Here" Scott stuttered as he tried to drag himself to sit up, I was about to go and help him when someone grabbed me. I whirled around and immediately put my self defence skills to good use.

"LAuren! Be careful, you can't fight them alone!" I heard Lydia yell as I fought, "Watch me" (watch me whip, now watch me nae nae) I muttered as I took on another person or thing that attacked the pack. I glanced back quickly to see that Liam was helping everyone, while they were all watching me in the middle of the fight, "UGH!" I grunted as I threw another punch and kick and brought down the two figures who were fighting me.

"Wha-How did you?" Scott said as I helped him to stand up, "Well, at least you wont doubt me now" I smirked as I looked over at Liam who winked at me.

-vxidmccxl- this is your personal:-) I really hope you like it, if not I will rewrite it for you love.

Love all you little penguins, and also I am running out of new music to listen to, so tell me your favourite song, favourite band or singer, I will listen to them and tell you what I think:-) be safe, byeeeeee xxxxxxxx

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