Marriage (MalaikaxLiam)

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*creaaaaaaaak* I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of my window being pushed open, I saw Liam climbing in through it, wincing as it made a noise. "Liam, if you're not careful you'll wake up Lydia, and then there won't be a wedding tomorrow cause you'll be dead" I jokingly warned as he walked over to the bed where I'm laid.

"I know, but I couldn't stay away from you, Malaika, not even tonight" he whispered as he laid beside me, pulling my smaller body into his side. "It's bad luck for you to be here y'know," I said as I snuggled into him, "Well, I don't see you complaining" he chuckled quietly.

"Oh shut up" I mumbled sleepily, sleep beginning to take over me once more. "Goodnight love, I'll see you at the altar tomorrow" Liam whispered before I felt a pair of lips on my forehead. "Goodnight Liam" I whispered as I fell into my lovely deep sleep.

The next time I opened my eyes Liam was gone and Lydia was yelling my name over and over again, with a few 'wake up's thrown into the mix. "I'm up! I'm up!" I said as I sat up and stretched, I felt a pillow hit my face, my eyes flew open to see Allison stood there, holding in a laugh while pointing at Malia.

After a quick glare in Malia's direction, Lydia announced "The hairdressers will be here in...." she trailed off as she checked the time "Two hours, with make-up following straight afterwards. We have got six hours until we leave for the church"

*time skip*

"Malaika Dunbar?" A woman asked as I opened the door, "Umm yes" I said, debating if I should correct her or if it would be totally pointless, she'll be correct in a matter of hours anyway. "Thank god. Hairdressers, hello" she waved, "I'm Lola, you can call my Lol, this is my partner Khalum" she introduced the man stood next to her. "And these two are my interns, Lauren and Rosie," she said, moving slightly to reveal two bright-eyed teenagers, smiling widely.

"Uh hello, please come in, the living room is the second door on the right," I said as I allowed them to come in, bringing in their cases of products behind them.

"I will work on the bride!" Lol exclaimed as I followed them into the living room, watching them set out all their things, "Khalum, you can work on this lovely lady right here" she carried on, pointing at Lydia. "Rosie, Lauren, you can pick either of these lovely ladies right here" Lol finished as she motioned over to Allison and Malia.

*time skip cause I'm bored af with this shit*

"Okay, five minutes, are you ready?" Lydia asked me as I stood outside the church, thanking the gods it wasn't raining today. "Um y- yeah" I stuttered, trying to calm my nerves quickly before I went in wasn't working very well.

"You'll be okay Malaika, as soon as you step in there, Liam will be at the altar waiting for you, and you will be the only one he can see in the entire church. The boy's crazy about you, and I know for a fact that you are even crazier about him" Lydia smirked before there was a knock on the door from the inside, telling us to go in.

I took a deep breath, hooking my arm with Lydia's as the doors were opened and we stepped in, walking down the aisle, I looked around and saw everyone's eyes on me. Looking straight ahead, trying to block out all the whispers and stares, I focused on Liam, looking handsome as hell in his suit, waiting at the end of the aisle, just for me.

"I love you" I whispered once we had reached Liam, who was stood with his best man, Scott. "I love you too" he whispered back before we both turned to the Vicar to start the ceremony.

"Do you Liam take Malaika to be your wife – to live together after God's ordinance – in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live?" The Vicar said to Liam. "I will" he answered immediately, a huge grin on his face.
"Do you Malaika take Liam to be your husband – to live together after God's ordinance – in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?" The Vicar now asked me, "I will" I smiled as I glanced over at Liam.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" Liam barely allowed the final words to leave the vicars lips before he had grabbed my waist, pulling me towards him and sealing our marriage with a passionate kiss. And so started the rest of my life with the man I love most.

NiallersGirl-xox this is your personal, I'm sorry it's taken a while, but hope you like it!! If not, I'll rewrite it for you:-)

I know the vicars lines are like missing a lot, but god damn do they say a lot of shit at weddings, I'm surprised they don't have a water bottle in their hand to drink from half way through cause I know I would need one! So I'm sorry about the vows, but they would have been the length of an imagine on their own....

So hey guys, tomorrow (Saturday) I'm going to see the new Ice Age... I'M SO FUCKING EXCIOTED I CAN'Y FUVJING WAIT!"!"!!!!!!!1!11!!! AND I#M GOING TO SEE IT ON SUNDAY AGAIN AHBAAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! ALSO THOUGH, TOMORROW (SATURDAY) IT WILL BE ONE WEEK UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY, I'm so not excited for my birthday...

Anyway, enough 'bout me, I love you my lil penguins, and I'll see you later with some more requests *salutes* xxxxx

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