Parrish/Theo/Brett catch-up #3

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Okay, catch up number 3 here! I'll be writing;

- Favourite horror movie

- Cute texts he sends you...

- Places you two love to go

- Nicknames<3

Okay, enjoy then:-)

Favourite horror movie;

Parrish: The conjuring

Theo: Paranormal activity 2

Brett: The Silence of the Lambs

Cute texts he sends you...;

Parrish: 'Not much is simple in this world. You make me happy, and that's simple to me x'

Theo: 'Good morning baby, did you know that good morning texts don't only mean 'good morning' they also mean ' you're the first thing I think about when I wake up' I love you xxx'

Brett: 'You are the only reason I'm alive, I love you so much baby, have a good day and I'll be at your house later for lots of cuddles xxx'

Places you two love to go;

Parrish: The beach, it's where Jordan asked you out.

Theo: The arcades, that's the place you both knew you'd found the one.

Brett: The duck pond at the park, Brett loves to see the way that your eyes light up and sparkle when you spot the little ducklings learning to swim.


Parrish: his nickname for you: Baby boo. It's a cute nickname and he likes the way you blush whenever he calls you it.

Your nickname for him: Deputy. It's not a very coupley nickname, but the way he reacts to you calling him it, you can't help but keep calling him it.

Theo: his nickname for you: Cutie, he calls you that because he thinks you're so cute, no matter what you're doing.

Your nickname for him: Cuddles, you think it's funny because nobody but you knows he has a soft side.

Brett: his nickname for you: Daisy, he loves to call you this because he thinks you're as beautiful as a flower.

Your nickname for him: Muppet, you call him this because you think it's funny and who doesn't love the muppets?

Okay, finally! Another catch-up, I should be writing another one in a few, and it should be up hopefully either tonight or tomorrow.

Love you all my lil penguins, I'll see ya later *salutes* xxxxx

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