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Scott: "Scoooooott" I whispered as I gently shook him, trying to wake him up, he mumbled something unintelligible as he rolled over onto his stomach, burying his face into the pillow.

"Scott! Wake up!" I yelled, straddling his back, "No" he said, although it was muffled by the pillow, I still only just heard him.

"I made pancakes" I smiled, "What!" He yelled as he rolled over causing me to fall off the bed. "Oh my god! I'm sorry!" Scott said as he got out of bed quickly and pulled me up gently.

"Don't worry Scott, at least it woke you up" I laughed, "C'mon, pancakes are waiting!" I dragged him down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

Allison: "Good morning (Y/N)" Mr Argent said as I walked into the kitchen, forgetting that he wasn't leaving for another ten minutes.

"Uhm hi- Hello Mr Argent" I said awkwardly as I brushed some hair out of my face. "Please, call me Chris, I see you spent the night" he smiled at me, I looked down, all I was wearing was my pyjama top and shorts and one of Alli's hoodies I threw on.

"Um y- yeah" I stuttered, "Don't worry, I don't mind, you make Allison happy, and so, you make me happy. Thank you (Y/N)" Chris said as he sat at the kitchen table with the newspaper and a mug of coffee.

"Uh thank you Chris" I whispered, he smiled at me once more before his eyes drifted to something behind me. I turned around to find Allison walking into the kitchen, "Oh hey, I wondered where you'd gone" she smiled at me as she wrapped her arms around me from behind.

"Hey dad" she smiled before pressing a kiss to my cheek, "Good morning Allison, nice night?" He asked, "Yeah, I had my cuddle buddy" she smiled as she squeezed my waist slightly as her dad chuckled.

Stiles: "Mmmm" I groaned as I saw the sunlight penetrating my closed eye lids, I rolled over and hit something hard. Panicking, I opened my eyes to come face to chest with Stiles, I calmed down slightly, I forgot he had stayed the night.

I closed my eyes once more, falling asleep as Stiles' arms found their way around me as he pulled me into him.

When I woke up the next time, I was woken by someone speaking, I looked around my room and found my mum and dad stood at my bedroom door, looking at both me and Stiles.

They hadn't noticed I was awake, so I closed my eyes as I listened to them, "Oh aren't they adorable together!" My mum gushed, my dad just grunted in response.

"Oh come now Harold" (If anyone can tell me what that's from I'll fucking love you forever because I cannot for the life of me remember) she said, "Well I guess they do look kind of... Cute together" my dad finally said making a small smile creep onto my face.

"See now, was that so hard to say! Ah! Come on, we're going to be late!" My mum said as I heard them both quickly leaving and quietly shutting my bedroom door behind them.

"Ahaha" I laughed quietly to myself as I kissed Stiles cheek and just laid there with my head on his chest until he finally woke up.

Lydia: I woke up with quite a headache, after last night I'm surprised I haven't run to throw up yet. "Morning" Lydia whispered, I looked up to find her sitting on the edge of her bed, a glass of water and pills in her hands.

"Hey" I whispered, sitting up I held my head as my pulse sounded in my ears. "Here" she giggled, handing me one of the pills in her hand, I put the pill in my mouth, grimacing as it landed on my tongue and threw my head back as I took a sip of water and swallowed it all.

"Thanks" I smiled at her as she took the the other pill, "No problem, come on downstairs when you're ready, my mom made breakfast" she smiled.

"She made breakfast?!" I asked excitedly as I sat up straight, "Yeah" Lydia nodded as she laughed at me. "Awesome! I'm already there" I smiled as I threw the covers off of me, "Oh my god" Lydia squealed I looked over at her to see I had accidentally thrown the sheets over her head.

"Sorry babe" I winced slightly, "It's alright, I still love you" she laughed as she pulled the sheets from her. "Good, I love you too" I smiled as I leaned forward and placed a small kiss on her neck.

Hey my little penguins!! Slowly updating this one too!! Can I ask you guys two small little favours? Could you go and read the imagine called 'Beside you' if you go on my profile and scroll through my works you'll find it, I would love it if you guys could read it!!

Also, last favour I swear, could you guys pleaaaaaase pretty pretty pleaaaaase could you go and add my book 'My Life' to your library's because that is where I'm posting all my updates about requests and hiatus and stuff like that. You can ignore the first three entries, although maybe not the first one Idk, but right now I want you to focus on the last three that are in there okay!

Can you read them and comment and just yeah- be yourselves because I can't ask you guys to do anything else, I hate asking you guys to comment, and I'll never ask you to vote, you can do that of your own free will, as long as you enjoy my stories I'm happy:-)

But yesss, I would love it if you could go read it, just to get caught up on my lifffe;-) and I'll see y'all later, love you my lil penguins *salutes* xxxxx

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