Something different

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Alright guys, this is a lil bit different. This is an imagine for me, but don't worry, it'll be the only one, I promise. You have my word.

I woke up at 10am, to my ringing phone, groggily I reached over to my bedside table and grabbed my phone.

"Hello?" I answered, not even checking the I.D, "Hey Jess" Stiles' voice filled my ear. "Hey Stiles, thanks for the wake-up call" I said sarcastically as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"No problem baby, anyway you're late for college, just thought I'd let you know" He said, I sighed, "Stiles it's Tuesday, I don't have any lessons today" I said as I got out of bed.

"Oh, well, I forgot that... Sorry babe. I'll call you later. I love you" he said, "I know" I replied, a smile on my face as he chuckled once he'd gotten the reference.

We hung up and I walked downstairs into the kitchen, "Morning spud" (Don't ask okay, that's what my dad calls me) my dad said as he saw me, "Hey dad" I yawned as I walked over to the cupboard and got myself a glass of squash.

I looked at my dad, and then I had to take a double take, to which he sent me a weird look. "Something's different" I said as I looked him up and down.

"What?" He asked, I looked him up and down again, paying attention to everything, but I couldn't see it yet. "I- I don't know, but some things different about you" I muttered.

"Alright well, I'll leave you with that. See ya later" he said, giving me a kiss on the forehead before he hurried out the door.


"Hey Stiles" I smiled as he walked in through the door, "I didn't scare you this time by not knocking?" He asked, a hint of humour in his voice.

I shook my head, "I heard the Jeep" I answered him as I finished my cup of tea. "So British" he muttered, "What?" I asked, pretending not to hear, "Nothing. Nothing" he laughed.

"Uh huh" I said as I eyed him suspiciously. "So, what have you done today?" He asked me as he sat on the couch next to me. "I did some research on Theo" I said, "Did you find anything?" He asked quickly, his head snapping to face me.

I shook my head sadly, "But I did find another signature from three years ago, it looks like the latest one" I said. "Someone else's signature" Stiles said and I nodded.

"You are a big help baby, thank you" he said as he kissed my forehead, "I printed it off, if you want me to fetch it" I offered as I stood up.

"Let's go get it" he said, we walked upstairs and I immediately stopped in the doorway. "Jess? What's wrong?" Stiles asked from behind me, "Something's wrong" I whispered.

"What? What do you mean?" He asked me, "Something's been moved" I explained as I slowly walked into my room, looking all around me.

"Why" I whispered to myself as I figured out what had been moved. I lifted up the pink box that contained things my mum had, setting it gently down on my desk I opened it up, Stiles right beside me as he'd never seen inside this box.

"Who would-" I cut myself short as I opened the smaller blue box and found what was different. Now it didn't just contain my mums engagement and wedding rings, it also contained my dads wedding ring.

"I know what's different" I said as I held up my dads ring into the light. "With what?" Stiles asked me gently, "With everything" I whispered.

*later that night*

"Jess! Stiles! I'm back!" My dad called as he walked in through the door, shutting and locking it behind him.

"Hey dad?" I asked as I leaned against the wall, "Yeah?" He asked me, "I know what's different now" I said as I looked at him.

He turned to face me and walked over to me, leaning his left arm against the door frame as he faced me. "And what's that?" He asked me.

"You're not wearing your wedding ring anymore" I whispered as I held it up to show him I had found it.

He picked it up out of my palm and gently held it in his hand, "It's been a little while since your mum died Jess, it's time" he said as he looked up at me.

"It's time baby" he whispered again as tears started to pool in my eyes. I shook my head as they fell down my cheeks, "No" I whispered, "I'm sorry baby" he whispered as he hugged me.

THIS IS BASED ON 05x02 I'M SORRY, BUT I WAS BORED AND I JUST WATCHED IT AND I THOUGHT "Hey, why not" so I wrote it and now I seriously regret it.

Before anyone goes off on one saying "Oh you shouldn't write things like this, people have lost one or both of the parents" and blah blah blah, I lost my mum nearly eight years ago, so I know exactly how it feels. I've lost so many family members and if anyone ever needs a chat, I'm always right here.

The picture is basically, my mums wedding and engagement rings and my dads, and then me and my mum and dad on their wedding day, and me and my mum on my Aunty's wedding day. (I was so cute, Idk what happened as I grew up 😂)

I love you my lil penguins, see ya later *salutes* xxxxx

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