Water fight (MaelisxDerek)

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I have no words for this picture... *cries in a corner*

Oh, what a lovely, lovely- ah who am I kidding? It's so fucking hot we might as well be living on the sun right now. "Ahhh" I sighed as I held a frozen bottle of water to the back of my neck, I only just woke up and already today is off to a bad start.

*we don't have to live this way, we ca-* I picked up my phone, unwillingly stopping my ringtone. "Hello?" I asked, wondering who it was because I didn't look at the caller ID.

"Hey Mae" Stiles literally giggled, "Ha ha very funny, here comes bugs bunny" I said. "Anyway, what's up?" I asked, trying to get him to to the point so that I could go back to cooling down sooner. "Do you wanna have a water fight?" he asked.

I sighed in relief, "God yes! Do you need me to bring the water guns I've got?" I said as I put the water bottle down on the counter. "Yeah Mae, yeah if that's okay, oh and can you get some water balloons, as well as pick up Isaac, Liam, Malia and Lydia on the way?" he nearly begged me.

"Yes Stiles, I'm on it. Coming to yours yeah?" I asked quickly, "Yeah, see ya" Stiles answered before hanging up on me. I sighed, walking outside, immediately feeling another layer of swear form on my skin. "Oh hot damn" I muttered as I walked across my yard to the shed and took out all my water guns and found three packets of thirty water balloons as well.

*le time skip of cinq minutes......... Idek😂*

Once everything was packed into the boot of my car, I got into the drivers seat, starting the car and immediately putting the roof down. I buckled my seatbelt and then then sped down the road, feeling the wind whipping through my hair, cooling me down ever so slightly in the heat. A few minutes later I stopped at Isaac's house and beeped once, to let him know I was there.

"Hey Maelis" Isaac and Liam said as they hopped in the back and buckled up. "Hey guys" I smiled as I put on my sunglasses before speeding down the surprisingly quiet road, all the way to Lydias house.

*twenty minutes later*

"Here Mae, let me help" Somebody said behind me as I struggled with all the water guns "Oh- thank you..." I trailed off as I turned around and found it was Derek offering his help.

"No problem" he chuckled while taking the water guns from my arms, allowing me to grab the shopping bag filled with water balloons. "I didn't think that water fights were your sorta thing" I said to Derek as we walked towards the house.

"Uh no, they're not. But it's a really hot day and I have nothing better to do" he smiled, I laughed as we walked through the house, finding nobody. We walked through right to the backyard and oh boy was that a bad idea, especially without ammo.

Both me and Derek were pelted with water balloons and bursts of water from guns. "Guys. This is so not fair play" I reasoned and they stopped while nodding at me, "We give you and Sour-wolf here ten minutes to fill up guns and water balloons, including ours" Liam said.

I nodded, "Okay then" I said before taking their guns and and emptying them on all of them, but it didn't make them even half as soaked as me and Derek.

*time skip brought to you by yours truly*

"You ready?" I whispered to Derek as we both hid in the bushes, the way the pack do water fights is different to how everyone else do them, see our water fights are all about strategy, like Paint-ball, or a Nerf gun battle.

"As I'll ever be" Derek whispered back before placing a kiss on my cheek making me blush furiously. "NOW!" Scott yelled and everyone but me and Derek jumped out, because we have  a plan.

"Do you think they heard me?" I heard Scott ask as we watched them lower their weapons and look around. "If we play this right..." Derek stopped short when he saw Scott was listening, "We can get them all soaked" he finished when they all began talking amongst themselves again.

We rustled the bushes a little, only enough to make two of them come over and investigate, and when they do BAM. We're gonna get 'em. They did exactly as me and Derek had hoped, sending Sciles over to check it out. Slowly they approached, weapons at the ready.

As soon as they peeked into the bush Derek and I attacked, sending water balloons and shots of water straight at them. Before they even had a chance to warn the others, Derek and I had already jumped out and attacked the others.

"TEAM WORK!" I yelled as I held my fist up to Derek, at first he looked at it as though it was an alien, but then he lifted his fist and bumped it with mine. "We make a great team" he smiled before placing a kiss on my temple, "We really do" I agreed, a huge smile appearing on my face.

Hey. Hi. Hello. *waves* How are you all, my little penguins?
AlfaAira this is your personal, I hope you like it, if not I will rewrite it for you:-) xxx

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