I love you (MyaxIsaac)

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*Part 2 for Cheating (MyaxIsaac)*

Five months. It's been five months since I last felt something. Seven months since Mya broke up with me, for two months after that, I continued to fool around with Allison, she kept my mind off of my heartbreak, and she made me feel something after I thought I never would again. But eventually the feeling Allison gave me stopped, and I was right back to feeling nothing but heartache.

Mya was the only thing keeping me sane, and now she's gone, and it's all my fault, I'd give anything to get her back, to get myself out of this depressive cycle I've fallen into. I'd do anything to feel something again, I've been numb for months, eventually, that can take its toll.

I haven't slept with Allison in just over three months, I haven't spoken to her or Mya, I've felt nothing, but now it's time to get the love of my life back, and I've got a plan.


"Hey, Scott, do you think you could do me a favour?" I asked as I walked up to him, "Depends on what it is" he laughed lightly, causing a small smile to fall across my lips. "Uh I just need you to make sure that Mya is at home tonight, I've got a plan to-" I was cut off by a hand colliding with my cheek, pretty hard.

When I gained my stability back I looked to who hit me and saw Lydia, "You really think that she'd take you back, Isaac? After what you did to her, after what you did to Allison too, you really think she'd take you back" she said to me, almost putting my mind straight again, but I'm determined to get her back, I have to have the love of my life again.

"I'm sorry Lydia, but I've been depressed for five months, I haven't felt anything in three months, I don't think I can last any longer. I love Mya with all my heart, and I know that I need her back, there's no way that I won't try. Even if she doesn't take me back, at least I'll know that I tried" I said as I looked down at her.

I looked back at Scott, expecting a disapproving look, but all I saw was him looking at me, a proud look etched onto his face as he smiled at me. I looked back at Lydia to see her smiling at me too, "Why're you both smiling at me?" I asked, a little unnerved, "You really do love her, I take back whatever I've said about you, is there anything I can do to help?" Lydia answered me.

"I uh, I need a ride to get flowers, and I need someone to make sure that Mya stays home tonight so I can go to her door and surprise her, I also need help with what I'm going to say" I explained as quickly as possible, they both nodded at me, "I'll make sure she stays home" Scott said.

"I'll give you a ride, and we can discuss what you're gonna say to her on the way," Lydia said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me outside the school to her car. "Okay, you know what flowers you want?" Lydia asked me and I nodded, she nodded too, starting the car and speeding out of the car park.


"Okay, c'mon Isaac you can do this, you love this girl, you can do this, you just gotta speak the truth, win her back, and never let her go again" I said to myself as I slowly made my way to her front door, I saw Scott had kept his word as Mya was sat in the living room gazing blankly at the TV.

"Okay" I whispered, shaking my shoulders as I knocked quickly on the door, I could see from my spot on the front porch that she obviously wasn't expecting anyone to turn up so late, given the confused look on her face. "Hello?" She called as she stood on the other side of the door, instead of speaking I knocked again, knowing if I spoke she'd never open the door for me.

I could hear her sigh as she swung open the door, mouth agape once she saw me stood there, flowers in hand. "Isaac" she spat once she'd regained her composure, "What are you doing here?" I took a deep breath before speaking.

"Mya, I know what I did hurt you, I know that it was stupid of me to even go off with Allison when I had all that I really needed there anyway. I love you, Mya, I love you so god damn much, and these past five months have been hell, I've been depressed, I've been numb, I haven't felt anything, and that's because I didn't have you when I was with you, you made me feel alive, I was so lucky to have you, because you are so incredibly amazing, and I'd be so lucky if you took me back, but you probably won't and I wouldn't blame you because of what I-" I was cut off from my rambling by a pair of soft lips on mine.

When Mya pulled back, she had a small smile on her face, "Wha-" I started, "I forgive you, Isaac, I've missed you, and I love you too" She said as she leaned up to give me another kiss, as our lips molded together in another kiss, I knew I had her back, and this time I wasn't gonna ruin it.

Hey my lil penguins, finally got this personal finished, multimalesforlife this is your second part, I'm sorry it's taken so long to write:-( if you don't like it, I could rewrite it for you.

I should have another request up soon, it just needs a little more editing doing and then it'll be ready:-)

I love y'all my lil penguins, and I'll see ya later *salutes* xxxxx

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