Hunted (DanxDerek)

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"Ahh shit shit shit" I whispered as I tried to pull out an arrow that had lodged itself into my arm. I watched in horror as two hunters walked right by where I was hiding.

I let out a quiet sigh of relief before jumping up and turning around to run away, only to come face to face with a gun pointed at my head.

"Time to say goodbye" They smirked as they placed their finger on the trigger. "Bye" I said before I kicked them and quickly ran off, checking I didn't have a tail.

Once again trying to pull out the arrow, I failed again and said "fuck it" before I snapped it and threw away what came off.

My breathing stopped as a hunter stepped out in front of me, causing me to stop immediately and fall on my back.

They stepped carefully over to me and I was faced with an arrow once more. "D-Dan?" I looked up at the mention of my name.

When I stood up again and my eyes focused I saw the hunters face. "Allison?" I asked, terrified I'd be killed by one of my best friends.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna regret this" She said as she pointed her arrow at me again, she shot it but it flew straight past my ear. (DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS REFERENCE?!)

I looked behind me and saw she had shot one of the other hunters. "Go" She urged as she pushed me away from her.

"Thank you Allison" I whispered as I ran to the one place I could go after all of this. Derek's loft.


"Derek" I gasped as I opened the door, immediately falling straight in on my face.

"Dan?! What the fuck happened to you?!" Derek asked as he lifted me up and walked over to the couch, gently placing me on it.

"I- I was-" I started but was cut off by Derek, "I told you not to go into the woods tonight! I said that they would be there! I warned you they were hunting an omega"

I sighed as I laid back and focused on trying to pull out the arrow head from my shoulder.

*Derek's POV*

I know sometimes I can be a little hard on him, but I love him, with all of myself, I love him.

"Let me help" I said as I sat on the coffee table in front of Dan to try and pull out the arrow head.

"This is gonna hurt" I warned as I placed a steady hand on his shoulder and my free hand I used to pull out the arrow.

I sighed once I dropped the head onto the table, "Thanks" Dan said breathlessly as he fell back onto the couch again.

"Hey" I said softly as I pushed his bluey black hair out of his gorgeous brown eyes. "I love you" I said before I placed a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you too" he whispered before he closed his eyes and a few minutes later I heard soft snores coming from him.

love_angel111 this is your personal. I hope its good, sorry its a little short:-(

Requests still closed, but I'm slowly working through the ones I've got, so they'll be open again soon.

Love you my lil penguins xxxxx

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