You're an Alpha? (BriannaxLiam)

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TheSniperPrincess this is your personal, hope you like it, if not I'll rewrite it!:)

Being an Alpha is tough, having your own pack is tough, especially when you're only 17. But, you wanna know what's harder? Keeping this secret from your best friends (well two of them) and your boyfriend.
Now, you're probably wondering why I don't just tell them, but honestly, it's not that easy. I mean, some of my friends are also werewolves, and as soon as they found out about me, they became a part of my pack.
"Hey, Brianna?" I looked up from the map set in front of me to see Derek stood there. "Yeah?" I asked him, "I saw your eyes earlier, they were... Red?" He asked, "Uh yeah. You thought you knew about every Alpha within fifty miles, but, here's one you didn't know about" I joked as I stood up properly to face him.
"Who's in your pack?" He asked me, I sighed "Scott, Stiles, Allison, Malia, Ethan and Aiden" (BITCH FIGHT ME, THEY'RE ALIVE AND ALL TOGETHER) I listed off, Lydia, Isaac and Liam don't know"And me" Derek said at the end. I raised a brow at him. "Really?" I asked him, "Really" he said, I smiled slightly, despite myself as I looked back down at the map again.
"Okay, so we know they're living here" I said as I pointed at the map, I trailed my hand across until I reached the bank.
"And this is where they're hiding on-" Derek started, "Two" I stated, "Two of the missing people, we just aren't sure who yet" I continued.

*time skip to the action*

"Scott! Watch out!" I screamed as he ducked just in time to avoid the werewolf jumping to tackle him.
We're in the middle of a fight with the stray pack of werewolves who are kidnapping random people from school, and I have yet to turn, the reason being my boyfriend Liam is here, one of the people who don't know I'm an Alpha.
"Brianna!" Liam yelled, I turned around in time to see him trying to fight two werewolves at once, I sighed, I guess I gotta turn now, I thought to myself. I let go of all my self-control and turned, I ran towards him, swiping my claws against the bigger ones stomach as he started to attack Liam.
"Thanks baby" Liam grunted as he turned to face me, having finally beaten the one he was fighting. I glanced over at him quickly and Liam took a double take, I looked away from his gaze, back to the somewhat bigger and more dangerous than me werewolf. Liam came to help me and I should have known that he wouldn't save the 'You're an Alpha?' conversation until later.
"Brianna, how- wha- You're an Alpha? Why didn't you tell me?" Liam asked as he dragged his claws down the side of the werewolves face, "Well, it's not really- uh" I grunted as I ducked an attack from behind me, "Something you can slip into an everyday conversation" I said quickly, avoiding looking at Liam as the big one fell to the floor clutching his arm and stomach.
"Hey" Liam whispered as he lifted my chin, so I was looking into his eyes, "I'm not mad, I just have one question?" He asked as he leaned in closer to me. I nodded, maintain eye contact as Liam's lips brushed past mine, gently. "Let me be your beta" he whispered, I nodded and then Liam crashed his lips onto mine. Momentarily ignoring the others as they beat the werewolves they were fighting.

Heyyyy, Brianna I hope you liiiiike iiiiit:) xxx love all you little penguins!! Have a great new year!

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