You can't (Theo)

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The bits in italics are your thoughts in the imagine:-) as always the bold bits in brackets are me being me 😂

"Hey baby," Theo said as I walked over to him and the pack, "Hey Theo" I smiled as I leaned up on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"(Y/N)! Does Stiles know about this?" Scott asked, "You know, your older brother" Lydia continued as I shook my head. "I'm going to tell him when I tell my dad," I said.

I looked down at my phone, so I missed the look that Scott gave him with his Alpha eyes. "Oh careful now Scott, you don't want Stiles' little sister finding out about this now do we?" Theo said, which confused me to no end. I looked up to see Scott glaring at Theo.


"Hey, dad! Stiles!" I greeted the two as I pulled Theo into the office behind me. "What is he doing here?" Stiles said, venom practically dripping from his voice.

"Uhhhmmm Theo's my boyfriend," I said as I slowly looked between my dad, Stiles and Deputy Parrish who had just stepped into the room. Dad whispered something to Stiles who in return nodded, "Honey I- I don't think that you should date Theo" dad said.

Now, I love my dad with all my heart, and I agree with most things he says, but this? Oh Hale no- get it? Cause Derek's last name is- oh forget it.

"Why?" I asked dad as I saw Parrish slowly backing out and closing the door, from the corner of my eye. "(Y/N), honey. Just- Can you just trust me on this? I'm doing it for your own good" dad said.

"Theo, I think you should leave, and if me or Stiles, see you breathing let alone looking in (Y/N)'s direction. Well, you'll find yourself drowning in so much trouble you'll be finding it hard to breathe." Dad said as Stiles did his little 'that's my dad!' movement dance thing, whatever you wanna call it, behind him.

I looked at Theo as he looked down at the ground for a moment before he walked out, not looking at up at me once. I was about to walk out after him, but Stiles wrapped his arms around me.

"Let me go!" I near screamed as I thrashed about in Stiles' grip, "Let me go Stiles!" I yelled as I thrashed about some more.

"(Y/N) same goes for you as it does for Theo, don't look, glance, reach or even breathe in his direction, or there will be consequences little lady" dad warned me as Stiles let me go and I immediately headed for the door.

I know Theo really well, so he'll follow my dad's instructions, and I also know my dad and Stiles really well, so Stiles will be following me right now. Instead of going off to find Theo, like I really want to, I walked straight to the Jeep.

I turned around and said "Stiles! Quit following me and take me home!" Slowly Stiles walked up to the Jeep and we got in, all the way home I kept my mouth shut and my gaze outside the window, never once turning to face forwards, or talk to Stiles.

As soon as Stiles had parked at home I had jumped out and ran up to the front door. Unlocking it, I threw it open and walked upstairs straight into my room, falling immediately onto my bed.

My phone ringing from the other side (I'VE BEEN WAITING ON THE OTHER SIIIIDE. AND ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS CROSS THE LIIIINE) of the room was the only reason (YOU'RE THE REASON, THE ONLY REASON) I even got out of my bed. I glanced at the I.D, barely registering who it was before I answered "Hello?" I said into the phone, there was a pause before the person spoke. "I heard about you and Theo" They said, "Brett? Holy shit, seems nobody can have secrets in this town" I said, as what happened finally sunk in and the tears slowly started to form in my eyes.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked Brett cautiously, worried about asking him and also his answer. "Sure" he said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

OOOOO, what do you think you're gonna ask Brett?

The idea for this was given to me by Gallys_sailor :-)

This probably isn't very good, I'm sorry if it's not:-(

ALSO I'm sorry I haven't updated much, I have been quite busy with assignments and then Friday night I drank waaaaaay too much, so much so that I still have a headache😂😂 anywho, I'll try to write the part two quickly, although Idk how quick it'll be cause lately nothing has really been going right for me, hence no updates, as well as being busy.

I've got a lot of stuff going on and I'm sorry, please don't hate me:-(

Love you all my gorgeous lil penguins, I'll see ya later *salutes* xxxxx

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