Secret (ChristinaxAiden)

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I know my notes at the end always turn into biographies, but this one is important, so could you pretty please read it for me?

"Alright Christina, I'm going over to Stiles' now, I'll be back around ten, be good!" My brother, Scott, yelled up the stairs. "Bye Scott! Have fun!" I yelled back down as I walked out of my room and stood at the top of the stairs.

He looked a little reluctant to leave me on my own, cause he's overprotective, but after a little persuading, I managed to get him to hang out at Stiles' tonight. Which means, I get some time with Aiden.

If Scott ever found out about me and Aiden, he would flip and I would never be allowed out of the house again.

"Hello?" I heard Aidens voice on the other end of the phone, "Scott just left" I smiled. There was a few seconds of silence before I heard rustling and a door closing "I'm on my way"

*time skip*

The doorbell went off, making me bound over to the door with excitement. I swung open the door, only to find Liam stood there.

"Oh, hey Liam" I said, trying to hide my disappointment, "Hey, sorry. Were you expecting someone else?"

"What? No? Of course not" I said as I closed the door behind him, "So what's up?"

*time skip*

"Thank you for listening Christina, honestly it means a lot" Liam said again as we walked towards my front door. "No problem Liam, you know I'm here for you, always" I smiled as I opened the door for him.

As soon as he left I shut the door and immediately felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

I was about to scream when I heard a familiar voice "Christina, relax. It's just me"

"Oh my god. Aiden!" I said as I turned around to face him and slapped his chest at least ten times, "you idiot" I muttered under my breath

"You love me" he chuckled as he tightened his grip around my waist. "Hate you" (please. Reference anyone?) "Come on" I giggled as I walked into the living room and flopped onto the couch.

"You love me, right?" He asked me as he sat down beside me, I put my head on his shoulder as I looked up at his face. When I saw he was looking sad, I immediately sat up straight and looked at him.

"Aiden" I whispered as I looked into his eyes, before he could say anything I crashed my lips onto his, in an attempt to show him I do love him.

Just as the kiss started to get heated, the front door opened and Scott's voice filled our ears. "Hey Christina, Stiles wasn't feeling well, so I sent him to bed and came back he- AIDEN GET OFF MY LITTLE SISTER"

I jumped off of Aidens lap and Aiden shot up, standing in front of me, holding my hand behind his back.

"Scott I-" Aiden started, but was cut off by Scott saying "Get out" as he pointed at the door.

Aiden turned around and I could see actual fear in his eyes as he tried to hide it, he placed a small kiss on my forehead before walking out, Scott slamming the door shut as he walked out.

I ran upstairs immediately, not wanting to hear what Scott had to say.

PhoenixRose12 this is your personal, I hope you like it love:-) if not I can always rewrite it for you.

Idk if it's that good, but yeah- I hope you at least enjoy it. Oh yeah and I'm sorry its so short:-(

Also before I leave you my little penguins, I was looking through some comments and apparently some of you want a part 2 for Stiles' "you find out he died" if you do, please tell me, because then I know if I should write one or not for you all.

Love you all, be safe xxxxxx

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