At home ill (MaggiexStiles)

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"Maggie! Wake up, it's time to get ready for school!" I groaned at my mum's loud voice but never to less got up and walked downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning" I whispered, my throat feeling hoarse and dry, "Morn- oh honey! You look terrible" she moved towards me, "Oh and you're burning up!" Mum laid a hand gently on my forehead. "No way am I letting you go into school like this, I'll call in, you go to bed or lay on the couch, which ever you prefer"

I sniffles as I got up and walked into the living room, laying down on the couch and curled up into a ball. "Here honey" mum laid my duvet down on me and handed me my pillow and my favourite blanky.

"I'll make you some soup before I leave for work, will you be alright on your own?" I nodded, "I'll go make you soup" I smiled.

*time skip, mum's gone to work, you're alone*

"Hello?" I whispered, my head pounding from the ringing of the phone, "Maggie? You sound terrible!" Stiles said, "Gee thanks Stiles! I love you too. I'm home ill okay?"

"I'm on my way, I'm gonna look after you" before I could tell him otherwise he had already hung up. "God dammit Stiles" I giggled quietly as I put my phone down and decided to take a quick nap before he got here.


"Hello? Maggie?" I yawned as I sat up on the couch, just enough to look over the top and see Stiles stood at the door with two bags in his hands. "Stiles" I whispered as loud as my throat would allow without hurting, which wasn't very loud, but never the less he still heard me.

"Hey baby. I brought us some snacks and movies to watch, I also ordered a pizza that should be here in about twenty minutes" "You didn't have to" I whispered, "I wanted to, so let's watch a film and I'll set out the snacks"

*twenty minutes later because pizza*

"Oh this pizza is amazing!" I whispered as I took another bite, enjoying the warmth it spread in my throat. "Oh my god, it's delicious, but I think we should shut up cause we're making Jess hungry"


The rest of the day went the same, we ate, we talked, cuddled and watched all the movies that Stiles had brought all until I fell asleep.

*third person/author POV, whatever you wanna call it*

A little while after Maggie fell asleep, Stiles cuddled up with her and pulled a blanket over them before he finally fell asleep.

"Hey guys?" Scott called out as he opened the front door, "Guys, I know you're here. You weren't at school today and we're all worried about your oh" he spotted the two sleeping peacefully on the couch.

"So cute" he whispered as he pulled out his phone, "But still not as cute as Stydia" he took a picture, a smile on his face showing that he was half joking.

Hey!! Mother_of_Canon this is your personal, I hope you like it. If not I'll rewrite it for you!! Sorry it's kinda short:-(

It's so hot, I'm sweating balls.

I love y'all my lil penguins and I'll see you later *salutes* xxxxx

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