Idk, I can't think of a title; sorry (KyleexIsaacxLiam)

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Okay about requests, they're open don't worry, I'm not closing them, just wanted to say if you want to request and your gonna do it through comments please could you comment on the (Update) Requests page thing. Thank you:-)

Since before Liam arrived at Beacon Hills High School, Kylee Hood and Isaac Lahey had been the best of friends, ever since they were two years old. They've grown up with each other, always hearing non-stop from everyone that they would make 'such a cute couple'.

When Liam Dunbar started attending, he was immediately drawn to Kylee's beautiful smile, and her friendly personality. Eventually, he found himself having a little crush on the girl who was always so nice to him, unfortunately for him, Isaac had also developed feelings for her, but his were a little more serious. Yes, he is in love with his best friend, cliche I know, but to make it, even more, cliche, he knows that she'll never love him the way he loves her.

"Hey Liam" Kylee giggled as she felt a new presence behind her, "Damn" Liam muttered as he dropped his arms down to his sides, "What were you gonna do?" She asked as she turned her head to look at him over her shoulder.

"Tickle you" Liam smiled shamelessly as he went and leant on the locker beside hers, "Hey I was wondering if later maybe-" Liam started but was subsequently cut off by Isaac's voice, "Hey Kylee" he smiled as he walked over once he'd heard enough from Liam's mouth.

"Hey Isaac" Kylee smiled as she turned to look at him before turning back to her locker and continued sorting out her books, Isaac towered over Kylee, so he was easily able to look over her head at Liam and glare at him, "What" Liam mouthed to Isaac once he saw him glaring.

Isaac didn't answer, simply looked back down at Kylee and acted as though nothing happened, although nothing really did in Liam's mind, in Isaac's mind he'd already killed Liam five times over.

"Okay guys, I gotta get to class" Kylee announced as she pulled out her math book and shut her locker, "I'll walk you," both Isaac and Liam said at the same time. Sensing some tension Scott and Stiles walked over, in an attempt to soothe the situation.

"Hey, Kylee, ready for math?" Stiles asked after a small nod from Scott, "Yeah, bye guys" Kylee smiled as she waved at Liam, Isaac and Scott, "Bye" they said, small waves coming from Isaac and Liam.

"What is wrong with you two?!" Scott nearly yelled after making sure Kylee and Stiles were out of hearing range, "He started it!" Liam said, pointing wildly towards Isaac. "Me? What the f-" Isaac started, "Isaac" Scott warned his beta, "What did I do?" Isaac corrected himself, secretly looking towards his Alpha for confirmation.

"You walked over here! I was gonna ask her if she wanted to hang out later" Liam stated, a little venom seeping into his voice as he told Isaac what he had ruined. "Oh I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to stop your little play date" Isaac sarcastically replied.

"Isaac! That's enough!" Scott said with enough authority to make Isaac bow his head, mumbling an apology before walking off to class, "What's his problem?" Liam asked once Isaac had turned the corner, "He's in love" Scott simply answered.

"With who?" Liam asked as he looked up at Scott, "With Kylee" Scott whispered before clapping Liam on the back and then walking off to his own lesson. What did I do? I need to apologise, I know what Isaac feels like, I need to apologise and soon! Liam thought as he slowly walked off to history.

*time skip to lunch*

As it was a beautiful sunny day, the pack decided to eat outside, on their bench, as they called it. A little while ago they had all carved their initials into the bench, in the spaces where they sat, so everyone else knew who's bench it is.

Kylee was walking outside with Lydia, thanking herself for wearing shorts rather than jeans, "So, I saw you with Liam and Isaac this morning" Lydia smiled as he glanced knowingly at Kylee. "What's that look for? We're all friends" Kylee quickly defended herself and the two wolves she loved hanging out with the most.

"You might think that, but I can guarantee that at least one of them, if not both, like you as more than a friend" Lydia smirked as they neared the bench that the rest of the pack was already sat at, minus Liam.

"Hey," Lydia smiled as both herself and Kylee sat down opposite each other on the end of the bench, "Isaac? Can I have a word?" Scott asked Isaac as he stood up, "Sure" Isaac replied before standing up as well and walking after Scott without question.

"What do you suppose that's about?" Allison asked Lydia, Kira, Stiles and Kylee, everyone but Stiles looked completely clueless as to what they were talking about. "Stiles," Kira said as she looked at Stiles' face after Allison asked, "Yeah?" Stiles asked, a little nervous about what they were going to ask him.

"Do you know what they're talking about?" Kylee asked as she took a bite from her apple, "N- No sorry, not a clue, nope" Stiles said quickly as he avoided eye contact with each of the girls and opted for staring at the table instead.

"Scott and Isaac are talking with Liam," Lydia said as she glanced behind her to see them a little bit away having what looked like a serious conversation, Kylee and Kira watched as Isaac and Liam shook hands and shared a bro hug (Idek anymore) and started over to the bench in order to eat lunch.

"Uh Ky- Kylee? Can I speak to you?" Isaac asked nervously as he stopped at the end of the bench that Lydia and Kylee were sat at, "Yeah sure" Kylee smiled as she stood up, sparing a glance at Lydia, only to see her smirking and gesturing with her head to Isaac mouthing "He likes you"

Kylee shook it off as she followed Isaac a little way away from the pack at the bench, "So- you're probably wondering why I wanted to talk to you and- damn this is so hard" Isaac said as he ran a hand through his hair nervously, glancing over at the bench to see Scott and Liam listening to him while the others were watching.

"Hey, Isaac," Kylee said gently, making Isaac snap his gaze back onto her, she was smiling at him making some of Isaac's nerves slip away. "It's okay, just work through it slowly" She smiled at him again, Isaac slowly nodded his head as he took a deep breath.

"Would you maybe wanna goonadatewithme?" Isaac rushed through the last part, which was the most important bit, "Yes Isaac, I'd love to"

"What?" Isaac asked, not believing his ears, "Yes Isaac, I would love to go on a date with you" Kylee giggled as she watched Isaac's face turn from confusion and shock to pure happiness, "Great! Is Saturday okay?"

"Saturday is perfect" She said as she stood up on her tip-toes and kissed his cheek gently before pulling back and watching Isaac's cheeks turn a light pink as he lifted his hand up to where her lips had touched his skin.

Okie dokie Loki, Holmes_Sherlock101 this is your personal! I hope you like it, if not I will rewrite it.

HOPEFULLY I will have another request published later, so keep yo peep holes peeled.

Love you lil penguins, see ya later xxxxxxx

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