I like-like you (BeccaxStiles)

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Laying in bed at 9pm on a Saturday night, that's how crazy my life gets recently. Lydia hasn't thrown any parties because of the whole 'I'm something' thing taking up all her time, and everybody else's parties are nothing compared to Lydia's.

"Becca? Honey, someone's on the phone for you" my mum called upstairs and I grumbled to myself as I threw back my covers and walked downstairs quickly wanting to know who it was.

"Thanks mum" I whispered as I put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked cautiously as mum smiled at me and then walked into the living room, out of ear shot.

"Hey Bec! You free tonight?" A drunk Lydia slurred down the phone, I couldn't hear any background noise so I knew she wasn't throwing a party... Yet.

"Lyds you're drunk, and yes I'm free, why?" I asked her as I crossed my free arm over my chest, holding my pyjamas closer to my body.

"I need you to come and look after me. But I won't let you in unless you look pretty" She giggled before whispering "Come and find me in ten minutes" and then hung up.

I sighed, knowing exactly where she'll be because she always hides there when she's drunk. Walking up the stairs and back into my room, I began thinking why I would have to look pretty in order to look after her.

I mean, yes it's Lydia, but still I mean, she's never taken an interest in my clothing choices before, other than when I first met her and she said I have 'cute clothes'

I sighed as I got dressed quickly and then proceeded to do my makeup nicely, not wanting to 'disappoint' the fashion queen.

I ran down the stairs, pulling on a pair of boots and threw on a beanie. Before I stepped out the door I checked my phone was in my pocket and that my car keys are in my hand.

Once I knew for sure that I had everything I stepped outside and into the dark, cold night.

I shivered as the cold wrapped around my body as I ran to my car, quickly sliding in and starting it, turning on the heating as quickly as I could.

"Okay, let's go to the river" I muttered to myself as I fastened my seatbelt and sped down the quiet road, towards Lydia's little 'drunk hideout' as I call it.

*time skip*

"Lydia?" I called out as I walked along the river, "oh my- Lydia" I said as I placed a hand over my heart.

"Hey Becca!" She smiled happily as she looked over at me from the rock she was sat on.

"Hey Lyds, how ya doin?" I asked gently as I walked over to her and helped her to stand up. "Good, I- I'm good"

"Hey Lydia? I got your tex- Oh. Hey Becca, wassup?" I turned around once Lydia was stood up, to see Stiles stood behind me, which immediately made me blush because of how close he was.

"Uhh- Um. I- Th- Thank you for coming and helping Lydia" Stiles stuttered as he helped me walk Lydia to my car.

"Well, she's my friend" I smiled as we reached the car and I quickly opened the back door and we very gently laid Lydia on the backseat (serenade. Dizzy hurricane, oh god I'm sick of sleepin alone. Sorry, just a little bit of ATL for ya there. Let's get back on topic)

"Uh hey, Becca?" Stiles asked me as I shut the door and walked over to the drivers side door, "Yeah?" I asked as I turned around to face him.

"I- I. Can I ask- tell you something" Stiles tripped over his words again, "Stiles of course you can!" I smiled widely at him.

"I- Okay. Becca. I like you" he said and I giggled before saying "Stiles I like you too"

"No wait- I mean, I mean I like-like you" he explained awkwardly with wild gestures on his part, although I already knew. "Stiles" I said, making him focus his attention on me, I looked into his eyes for a second before I kissed him quickly.

"I knew what you meant. I meant it the same way" I whispered. Stiles was about to say something when a loud snore filled our ears and we turned to find it was Lydia fast asleep in my car.

"Oh god. Okay, you better get her home" Stiles chuckled as he looked at me, "I'll see you tomorrow Stiles" I smiled before slipping into my car and shutting the door, not giving the awkward boy a chance to embarrass himself, which his eyes told me he would.

Oh wow. Nope, okay no. This is absolute shit. The ending is terrible, I'm sorry, I didn't know what to put!!*face wall*

thatonecrankyshank this is your personal, I hope you at least kinda like it, because it's not great. If you want me to rewrite it, I would gladly do it.

Love you all little penguins, I'm tired, so goodnight. Sleep tight, don't let the werewolves bite. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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