Dread Doctors (SkylerxIsaac)

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Walking home, alone, in the dark, possibly not my best idea yet, but whatever, *snap* I whirled around to find nobody behind me, just a cat walking across the street. Great. Horror movie setting it is then.

"Right- just get home, all will be alright. Horror movies are predictable and fiction any way" I whispered to myself as I carried on down the road. "Predictable and fictional" I whispered again as I felt a presence behind me. "Predictable and fictional" I turned around to see one of the 'Dread Doctors' the pack warned me about.

"If there's only one of you, that means that they're either behind me, or they're doing something else" I turned around and sure enough there stood the other two 'doctors'.

They grabbed onto my arms and turned me around, my eyes widened as I saw the needle in it's hand. "What is that? Wh- no! No please! Please no!" I yelled as the needle sunk into the side of my neck.

My vision started to fade to black, before I was fully knocked out, I typed as much as I could on my phone before I dropped it.


*Isaac's POV*

Where is Skyler? She told me she'd call as soon as she got home. That was three hours ago. I sighed as I decided to go to her house. I walked out of my front door and quickly made my way down the street as I called her once more. Voicemail. Damnit.

"Skyler where are you?" I rung again, this time I heard another phone ringing, I looked around, finally I followed the sound and came across the phone. Skyler's phone. "Oh god what happened?"

As the call ended I was able to see her screen, "Why did you open notes? What- 'Drea'?" I read what was typed in. Drea. Drea. My face paled, Dread Doctors.

"Scott c'mon, pick up. Pick up. Damnit!" I sighed as I heard Scott's voicemail in my ear. "Looks like I'm on my way" I began sniffing out Skyler's scent, finally being able to decipher and concentrate on her scent.

I started walking as I kept sniffing the air, making sure to follow the scent as I slipped her phone into my pocket.

*five minutes later*

As the scent stopped, a building came up in the darkness, I looked around, sniffing the air trying to figure out where they took her from there. "Gotcha" I muttered as I walked into the building, immediately smelling a million different chemicals, that's why I can't smell her.

"No- no. Please please no" I heard a feminine voice, it took me a few seconds to realise it was Skyler.

*Skyler's POV*

Slowly I woke up, my head slightly pounding as I opened my eyes, immediately wishing I hadn't as there was a dead body lying right beside me, cold dead eyes staring right at me, as crows flew out of the incision in his chest. I let out a scream as I sat up and shuffled away as much as possible with the little energy I had in my body.

"Why am I here? Are you going to turn me into one of your little failures?" One of the doctors walked up to me, another needle in hand. "No- no. Please please no" I said as it turned my head to the side, allowing more access to my neck.

"Skyler!" I heard a familiar voice yell, "I- Isaac? Isaac!" I screamed he burst into the room, pushing the doctor away before he could stick the needle into my neck.

"Don't touch her!" Isaac yelled, he fully wolfed out and began fighting the doctor as I began toggling with the lock on the handcuffs around my wrists, locking me to the wall.

"Isaac! You cannot beat them by yourself! Let's just run!" I yelled as I stood up, nursing my bruised wrists.


"I should've walked home with you, I'm sorry Skyler. If I'd walked with you, that wouldn't have happened" Isaac said as we both lay in y bed. "Isaac, it's okay, can we just not talk about it?"

"You're right" Isaac's grip around me tightened "I'm sorry baby" he whispered as he kissed my forehead and I wrapped my arms around his torso as I buried my face in his chest.

"I love you Isaac" I whispered, "I love you so much baby"

This was anonoumously (y'all should know by now I can't spell, especially when in a rush) requested, so um yeah. I hope you like it Skyler, if not I'll rewrite it for you.

Okay, I have to go to Zumba, if you don't know what that is. Use da google okie? Okie.

I love y'all my lil penguins, and I'll see you later *salutes* xxxxx

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