Yes. (IsaacxKara)

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SweetlyBitter26 this is your personal☺ I hope that you like it, if not tell me and I'll write it again xxx also, I wrote it in your POV because that was easier☺

"Kara?" Isaac said one morning just before he left to go home after our fun filled night(don't be dirty) with films and cuddling.

"Yeah?" I asked as I stopped buttering my toast to look at him.

He looked at me with loving eyes for a minute before he finally spoke. "I wanna take you out tonight.."
"Considering its our three year anniversary Isaac, I was hoping we would go out" I said with a laugh and a wink.

"I'll pick you up at 7, make sure to dress posh. I know you'll look beautiful because you always do" He said before pecking your cheek and walking out the door.


5pm. I guess I should start getting ready now. I looked through all of my closet and couldn't chose anything, so I decided to call Lydia. (A/N L= Lydia. K= Kara)

L- "Kara? What's up?"
K- "I need you to come over. Right now"
L- "What why? What happened?"
K- "Nothing. That's the problem. Isaac's picking me up at 7 and I can't choose anything to wear!"
L- "...... I'll be there in five"

Then we hung up and I went and did my make-up in the bathroom while I waited for Lydia.

"Kaaaaaraaaaa?" Lydia sang as ahe looked through my house trying to find me. "Up here Lyds!" I yelled from the bathroom as I finished applying my mascara.

"Okay. I'm here. Show me what you've got" She said. (A/N is it just me or does that sound dirty?) She grabbed my wrist and dragged me into my bedroom again and started raiding my closet.

"Here" she shoved a dress in my face. "Ooo! And these" and she then shoved a pair of heels into my hands. I took the dress from my face and then walked into the bathroom again, quickly changing into the clothes Lydia had given me.

I looked myself over in the mirror and smiled, she chose my favourite dress, it's blue and white (A/N the picture) and to be honest, I never thought I would have the chance to wear it, I just bought it on a whim.


*knock knock knock* "Penny" I whispered to myself, haha I'm hilarious. (A/N its a big bang theory joke, comment if you get it/ like big bang. I LOVE IT.... On with the story) I went and opened the door and Isaac looked up at me and breathed out "Whoa" I blushed and looked down at my feet. "You look.... Whoa" he said again and I looked up at him, "You don't look to bad yourself" I said and it was his turn to blush.

"Are you ready?" He asked me, I nodded while grabbing my clutch and walked out the door. We got into Isaac's car and he drove us past all the cafés and restaurants and houses.

Ten minutes had passed and we were still driving. "Isaac?" I asked as I looked from the road to him, "Where are we going?" I continued.

He didn't answer for a minute, until he finally said "Right......... Here" he pulled into a park and I looked out the window and gasped. There were fairy lights and lanterns hanging from all the trees, and a picnic blanket and picnic bench in the middle of it all.

We got out the car and Isaac lead me over to it. As we sat down at the bench I said "Isaac, this is so romantic" I looked over the bench at all the food on the table and an ice bucket with a bottle of wine and a bottle of champagne in it with two glasses beside it.

"Well.." Isaac poured me a glass of wine, "I couldn't think of anything more romantic than recreating our first date" he finished with a smile and tapped his glass against mine before bringing it to his lips and taking a sip. I did the same before asking "What's the bottle of champagne for?"

He smiled a little before it faltered. "....Later" I nodded, sensing he was a little nervous about it.

My stomach growled really loudly and Isaac laughed before giving me a plate and placing one in front of himself. We got some food from the small 'buffet' on the table, we ate and laughed and it was exactly like our first date.

Three hours later and we were laying down on the picnic blanket looking up at the stars, until Isaac stood up and offered me his hand saying "May I have this dance" I giggled before taking his hand. "Isaac... There isn't any music" I whispered as I placed my free hand on his shoulder.

"Hmmmm... We'll just make our own music" He murmured into your hair. He started humming a random tune and then we slowly moved side to side in time with his humming.

"I love you Isaac" I whispered as I looked straight into his eyes, his face lit up with the lights around us and his eyes lit up with excitement. "I love you too" He said confidently.

"I have a question for you" he said as he slowly put his hand in his pocket and stepped back from me slightly.

"What is it?" I asked, slightly worried now. He got down on one knee in front of me and I gasped, tears coming to my eyes.

"Kara. I love you more than anything else in the world. In fact no, you are my world. You make me happier by just looking at me than anyone else can by trying. I knew from the second I saw you that I wanted to marry you, and yes, I can see us a little ways down the road with a child running around the back yard. I want that, with nobody else but you. I love you Kara, so so so much.. Will you marry me?"

By now tears were rolling freely down my cheeks as I listened to all the beautiful words Isaac said to me, and when he pulled out that ring I knew then that I was making the right decision.

"Yes" I said as I nodded, he smiled up at me and kissed my finger tips before slipping the ring onto my finger and it fit perfectly.

He stood up and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist and leant down. "I love you so so so much" I whispered to Isaac, "I love you so much more Kara"

Kara! Did you like this? I know it's quite long, but I kind of got carried away with it. I really enjoyed writing it! Hope you like itxxx

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