Idjits (AthenaxScott)

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*Stiles' POV*

"You really think she'd choose you over me?" I heard a familiar voice yell as I walked towards the locker room.

"You're just a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode" the same voice sneered, I turned past the lockers and finally found who it was.

Scott, Liam and Theo. Obviously Theo was the one talking, "Hey, if anyone's gonna call Liam a time bomb, it'll be me. No-one else" I said, stepping in between Liam and Theo.

"What is this about anyway?" I asked as I looked between Scott, Liam and the bastard we call Theo. "I like Athena" Theo said, "So do I" Scott said, "And me" Liam whispered at the end.

I looked down at him like he was crazy for a second before I looked back up at Scott, "Well, this is kinda bad... I like her too" I said slowly.

*time skip*

"You're clearly the worst choice she could make, Liam, you're two years younger than her" I said, "Why the hell would she choose you? A hyperactive idiot who drives some stupid Jeep" Liam countered.

I held my hand over my heart, most definitely hurt by that comment about my Jeep. "Hey! Do not bring my Jeep into this!" I yelled as I pulled my fist back, grabbing Liam's collar.

Before I could punch him, I was pulled back and a female voice filled my ears. "Stiles! What the hell?" I turned around to see Athena stood at the locker room door, looking at us all.

"What on earth is this about?" She asked, when none of us spoke she sighed and walked further in. "Either one of you tell me, or I swear to god I will make all your lives a living hell"

"We all like you!" Liam said quickly, I watched Athena look down at the ground before slowly looking back up at us all.

"You're all idjits" she said as she turned around and walked out. "I'm going home" Scott said as he walked out as well, "Me too, just- just give her space, don't talk to her for a few days or something" I said as I started walking towards the door.

"Hey, yo Scott! I called out as I ran to catch up with him, "Hey, can we talk for a minute" I asked, breathless because of how far I'd just run, unfortunately us humans don't have super speed.

"Yeah Stiles, what's up?" He asked, before I could get anything out he said "You know I didn't mean anything back there right, I was just- I don't even know, but I didn't mean it" he said quickly.

I nodded, "Yeah Scott, I know, you're my brother, I know you'd never do anything to hurt me. But enough of all that smushy crap. If Athena chooses either you or me, we have to promise that we'll stay friends, and we won't get jealous or pissed" I said honestly.

"Yeah, yeah definitely Stiles. I swear" he said quickly, looking at me, I smiled back at him before we pulled each other into a hug. "Thanks Scott" I said as I pulled back, "Oh hey, can you give me a ride home?" Scott asked making me laugh.


*1 week time skip, hehe*
*Athena's POV*

"Hey um Scott? Can- can I talk to you for a second?" I asked as I walked over to Scott, who thankfully was stood alone at his locker.

"Yeah" he breathed as he turned to face me, closing his locker and giving me his full attention. "Um, so you remember last week when you guys told me you all liked me?" I said quietly, he nodded so I continued.

"Well, I took some time to myself, and I think I've made a decision" I said as I twiddled my thumbs. "Which is?" He asked me, "I- Scott I've liked you for the longest time, I choose you" I said honestly.

"Oh thank god" he whispered as he stepped forwards slightly, cupping my cheeks in his hands as he smashed his lips onto mine. I froze for a second, before relaxing and gripping Scott's waist as I closed my eyes.

*Scott's POV*

She chose me! YESSSSS!! Eventually I pulled back from Athena's lips and looked up to see Stiles standing at the doors looking at us both.

"Bro's for life?" I asked as he walked closer to us, "Bro's for life" he answered as he wrapped both me and Athena in a group hug.

So hey, how you doin? Have you missed me? You probably haven't, but I've missed you guys. Talk to me! How are you all? Tell me something, anything to make my life more interesting cause I'm bored af...

bamboo_banshee hey, this is your personal, I hope you like it:-) if not I'll rewrite it for you.

Love y'all my lil penguins, don't worry, I'll be back soon (not that any of you care😂) *salutes* xxxxx

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