Imagine #3 Peter

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*It may trigger some people*
*Self harm included*
{Read A/N at the end please guys, thank you!}

I don't get how people can stand to look at me! Im so fat, and ugly and worthless. I don't deserve to be on this earth any longer... You thought to yourself as you looked at the shiny metal of the knife you'd snuck into your bedroom in your sleeve. In that moment you grabbed the handle and placed the point on your arm, all the hurtful but truthful words from the people at school flowing through your mind, telling you to keep cutting, you're a piece of trash, I don't get how anybody could stand to be friends with you, or even look at you for longer than five seconds without clawing their eyes out! That was just some of the stuff they said to you everyday... Its just how I deal with things... You had written in your diary. Ten minutes later and you were just watching the blood slowly flow out of the cuts you had made, watching as all the pain left your body and in a weird way it made you feel happier.
You heard a noise just outside your bedroom door and you quickly grabbed the nearest towel, unfortunately it was white, you stared down at it as the white fabric soaked up the blood. When the cuts healed slightly the towel was already completely soaked in blood and you threw it in the bin. *Knock knock* that came from my window.. You thought. You turned your head slightly to look at your window and saw Peter crouched on your roof just outside the window. "Peter? What are you doing here?" You asked as you stood up and opened the window for him to come into your room. "Why?" He said, completely ignoring your question to him, "Why do you do it, when you know there are people who love you so much. When you know I hate to see you do this to yourself, I love you so so much, I never want to see another cut on your body ever again. Okay? I will always be here for you whenever you feel you need to cut again. I won't leave you, and I will always support you because I know you're strong enough. You are so beautiful and kind and sexy, and nobody on earth can compare to you. You're unique and that's why everybody loves you! So what if there's a few people who don't like you? They're just jealous because they are nowhere near as beautiful as you. Promise me you'll come to me next time" He said as he sat you on your bed and took your arm gently in his hands. "I promise" you whispered as he gently kissed each fresh cut and every scar on both of your arms. "I love you, don't ever forget that" He said as he crouched down in front of you, "I won't, I love you too" you said as you leaned forwards and gently pressed your lips to Peters.

Hello my penguins! So I wrote this at 1:08am because at 12:45 I went downstairs to go and cut because I read some messages from some bullies at school. I didn't realise my dad was still up and watching TV, to get to the bathroom I had to go past him, and when I got in there I couldn't do it because I knew he was just out there and he wouldn't like it if I did, even if he doesn't know about it. I just want you all to know that if any of you ever need someone to talk to, or you ever feel like hurting yourself, please talk to someone about it, I don't care if its me or someone else, I just really hope you talk to somebody who will support you.
I know the imagine was kinda short, and this note is kinda long, but I had to get my point across. I don't think Ill ever be able to be completely clean, but I want to help other people at least take the first step.
I love all of you, my little penguins don't ever forget it xxxxx

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