Cheating (MyaxIsaac)

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*Isaac's POV*

I love Mya, honestly I do. I love her with all my heart, but I just can't help myself when it comes to Allison.

When I'm with Allison, and my hands are all over her body, I can't help but get a rush. The threat of being caught, combined with the threat of breaking Mya's heart combines into this big rush that just gets me going.

I don't love Allison, my heart belongs to Mya, but I can't help it. Allison just does something to me, that Mya never could.

"Hey Isaac" Allison's voice filled my ears, I turned around to see her walking up to the bench I'm sat on. "Hey, you got a free period too?" I asked her and she nodded in response.

I smirked as I watched her, the way her eyes sparkled as she looked over at me, the small smirk that never left her full, pink lips. The way she swayed her hips that little bit more as she walked around to stand in front of me. I felt that rush again, and I knew I had to do something about it.

"How about we go find an empty classroom or something?" I said as I stood up in front of her. She nodded, before taking my hand and leading me inside to school again. My free hand found its way onto her body, gripping her waist tightly before sliding down to her ass.

The slight gasp that left her lips made that rush feel all the more better. I picked her up quickly, not being able to wait any longer, I quickly ran into the nearest room, which just so happened to be the janitors closet.

I locked the door and turned back around to face her, only to see she'd taken off her shirt. She stood there, twirling her hair in between her fingers as she bit her lip, staring intently at me.

I smirked again, as my eyes lustfully looked over her body, drinking her in. "God I think I love you" I said without thinking, before I walked over to her and attacked her lips with mine.

*skipping sexy times because I don't have enough holy water for us all*

I stuck my head out of the closet, checking for anyone in the corridor, seeing nobody, I stepped out, motioning for Allison to follow.

She kissed me goodbye before running down the corridor and into the toilets. I turned around, ready to walk the other way, I ruffled my hair and turned the corner, bumping into Mya.

"Hey baby" I smiled down at her, but my smile turned into a frown when I noticed she was glaring at me. "Mya? What's wrong?" I asked, frowning, "You. Isaac. You are what is wrong. You and Allison" she said as she poked me in the chest.

I stepped back slightly from the force as I said "I don't know what you're talking about" I felt a small rush run through my body. "I'm talking about you and Allison, fucking. In the janitors closest. Thinking you wouldn't be heard? Seriously? In a school, filled with other werewolves, and werecoyote" she said as she shook her head, looking down at the floor, her brown hair covering her face from my view.

"Mya, please. Just- just let me explain" I stuttered, that rush was gone, and instead, my heart felt tight. I'm going to lose her. I thought I'd be okay, but I- I'm really not.

"I don't think there's anything you need to explain. I can see it all in your eyes. You feel a rush, don't you. You feel a rush when you're with Allison, the rush of maybe being caught. Yeah, Isaac, I already know" she said, looking straight into my eyes, I looked back into her beautiful, bright green eyes, and I knew I'd already lost her.

"I'm sorry" I whispered as I cupped her cheek in my hand, running my thumb gently over her cheek, just under eye. She leaned into my palm, holding my hand in hers as she whispered "Just kiss me one last time"

I did as she asked, leaning down, I gently placed my lips on hers, I felt her tears running down her cheeks as I pulled back. "Goodbye, Isaac" she whispered before turning and walking away, taking my heart with her as she left.

Heyoooooo, my lil penguins:-) this is Multimalesforlife personal. I hope you like it:-) if not, I can rewrite it for you.

Y'know, I've been wondering about something for a while, and ow I just clicked my neck- ANYWAY. I'm 16, and I wondered if you guys were younger or older than me, or the same age!

Okay, I'll leave you guys to it, I got more requests to write😂 I love you all my lil penguins, see ya later *salutes* xxxxx

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