Ill (ShawnaxScott)

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"Mom" I said as loud as I could, which only happened to be a small whisper. Instead I went to my plan B, banging on the wall until she comes and finds me.

A minute after banging, she finally came upstairs, "Shawna? Honey? Are you alright?" I banged again until the bathroom door opened. "Oh honey!" She came over to me and held my hair back, "I can't go to school today" I whispered before I turned back to the toilet and threw up again.

"I know honey, I have to go to work but I'll come in and check on you as much as possible okay? I'll go and call the school" mom tied my hair up before she got up and left the bathroom.

*three hours later*

I'm laying in bed, exhausted and sweating when I heard a familiar voice at my bedroom window.

"Shawna?" I turned my head, "Hey Scott" I whispered, "Are you alright babe? You didn't look so good" before I could answer him I quickly jumped up and ran into the bathroom.

I felt a hand on my back, rubbing up and down as I emptied my stomach once more. "Don't worry baby, I'm gonna look after you" after I was finished, he helped me stand up and I rinsed out my mouth before he carried me back to my bed and laid down with me.

"Thank you" I whispered as I felt myself falling asleep, "I love you baby, now sleep, you need your rest" that was the last thing I heard before I fell into a nice deep sleep.

Alright so this one is more like a drabble but um yeah. I'm sorry about that.

readergirl92311 here is your request, I'm sorry it's a drabble, but I didn't really know what else to write.

If you want me to write it again and try to make it longer I will gladly do so.

Okay, I'm working on all of the other requests. I've just trolled through all of the comments and wrote down all the requests I have not yet written so, bear with me please my iccle penguins!!

I love each and every one of you, I don't deserve any of you, you're all amazing and I am so thankful that you even give me half a thought!! I'll see y'all later *salutes* xxxxx

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