Popular Kid (KarolxLiam)

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karooalvarez this is your personal, hope you like it

Liam Dunbar, most popular kid in school, no matter if he's a freshman (is that the right one? Idek. Please correct me if I'm wrong!!) And then there's me, Karol Alvarez, also a freshman ( seriously is this even the right one?) but not popular in the slightest. I talk to people, and people like me, I just don't have friends.
"Hey Liam" I heard Crystal (sorRY TO INTERRUPT AGAIN BUT DID YOU GUYS HEAR THAT CRYSTAL REED IS GUEST STARRING IN TEEN WOLF ON THE 23RD FEB. OH YEAH *SPOLIERS* hahaa. I'm so excited) say in that stupid high pitched almost squeaky voice as she leaned up against the locker beside mine while looking up at Liam. Me and Liam have one locker between ours, hence he was standing beside me, but a little bit away, you get me?
"Hey Crystal" he said shortly, I raised a brow at him and then when he looked at me I quickly looked away again. Why is he being so short with her? Normally their both all over each other. "So I'm having a party tonight..." she started as she ran her fingers over his chest. "You wanna come?" She asked him, only looking away from him for a milisecond to glare at me. Hahaa. Bitch.
She's such a slut, she gives prostitutes a good name. (just gonna say this; I love Crystal Reed okay? She's amazing, but there's this girl at my college and she literally makes prostitutes look good. But if your name is Crystal, then you should really change the name to somebody you hate:-))
"Yeah sure. If Karol can come" He said immediately. Wait. WHAT?! "whAT?!" Crystal mirrored my thoughts, "I will come to your party. If. And only if. Karol is invited too" he said slowly as if she was a child. "Fine" she muttered and turned around, almost hitting Liam in the face with her hair extensions and barged past me like there wasn't an entire corridor for her to use.
"Wh- Why would you do that for me? I didn't think you knew me. I didn't you think you knew I even existed with all the other people hovering around you..." I said as I turned to face Liam. "You're the only one in the entire school who doesn't hover around me, that makes you different and I like different. It also makes you a mystery, and I'm curious, so if you'll let me, I'd like to 'figure you out' so to speak" he said as he genuinely smiled nicely at me. I shook my head in disbelief but nevertheless I smiled and said "Okay"

*time skip to the party*

Okay, now this is a nice house. I thought to myself as I walked up towards this whole fucking Mansion. It's not as great as Lydia Martins, but it's great nonetheless...
"Karol! Hey, glad you actually came" Liam said as he ran from the front door and over to me, placing an arm around my shoulder when he reached me. "C'mon, lets go this way. Crystal's at the front door" he smiled as he lead me to a gate which lead into the backyard. "I thought you liked her, don't you want to keep your 'popular status'?" I asked, but he didn't reply as we walked through the gate.
"Wow" I breathed as I looked around, a massive pool, and there were people everywhere, it just made it worse for me as I looked at how many people were actually glaring daggers at me because Liam still had his arm around my shoulder.
"Let me introduce you t-" "No" I cut him off, "No?" He asked me, genuinely concerned as he looked down into my eyes. "I thought I was a mystery to you, and that you want to 'figure me out'" I said, using my fingers to put air quotes around 'figure me out'. He smiled, "True. But first, let's go get a drink, then I'll see if I can work you out" he said as he took his arm from my shoulders, leaving me pouting slightly, although I don't know why. I don't like him, I'm doing this beca- actually why am I doing this?
"Here" he said as he handed me a cup of punch, I glanced around once more quickly, trying to find a quieter spot, when I caught Crystals stare. I stared at her for a second before someone grabbed my hand. I looked down and saw it was only Liam, "C'mon, let's go around the front, it's quieter and less busy" he said as he motioned towards the gate we had come through only three minutes ago. I nodded and let him guide me through all the people and through the gate.

*time skip. I know, but Idek what he would say, if I think of something I'll change it*

"Thank you for walking me home, Liam" I said as we came to a stop on my front porch. "No problem Karol" he smiled, "Just wanted to make sure you got home safely" I blushed as I looked down, attempting to hide my reddened cheeks.
"Oh, and thank you for letting me work you out, I feel honoured that you would let me get this close to you" He said as he leaned closer to me, I looked back up to see his face closer to mine than a few seconds ago. I smiled, "Liam" I breathed, he nodded, telling me to go on "Will you keep my secrets?" I asked quickly. He looked straight into my eyes before closing his and leaning closer towards me until our lips met.
"I will definitely keep your secrets, Karol, you can trust me with anything" he said as he kissed my forehead. "Oh and one last thing" he said and I nodded, "I would rather lose my 'popular status' than lose you" he said before walking off before I even had a chance to reply.

I am so shit at endings... Actually, I am just so shit at writing imagines full stop. This is kinda bad, I hope you like it Karol, if not I will rewrite it!

I love all you little penguins, good luck at school if you have exams coming up, I know it's time for GCSE mocks in England, so good luck for those:-) if you ever need a chat about anything, you know where I am:-) xxxxxxxxxxx

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